[h3][color=slateblue][center]Claire[/center][/color][/h3] [i]Pain was all she could feel.[/i] Claire was hunched over on her bed, gasping and ready to pass out at the tearing sensation in her back. She panicked as she asked herself what was wrong. She was unable to answer herself but the pain seemed to cease all of a sudden, yet it felt like something was there. Claire felt weak and her head was throbbing, but she got up and stumbled over to the bathroom. Examining herself in the mirror, she realized her favorite onesie was torn apart and was held together by a mere thread. The next thing she noticed were the large blue wings that had blossomed from her back and the bluish frost that covered her arms and hands like long dress gloves. She looked out into the small apartment which had been turned into her very own winter wonderland. Oddly enough, she didn't feel cold at all but she felt at ease with everything being frozen around her. The next moment, she passed out from exhaustion and awoke the next morning on the cold tiles of the bathroom with her apartment looking as it usually did. The only proof of that night's events was her destroyed onesie and the wings that were wrapped around her which already felt as if they had always been there. [color=slateblue] [hr] [/color] That following morning, she awoke on the cold hard tiles of the bathroom. Blue feathery wings were wrapped around her body and they felt soft but cold to the touch. They were sensitive and stroking them gently made her shudder. [color=slateblue][i]"What...what is this?"[/i][/color] She asked no one in particular. Her hands were covered in blue frost just like the night before and her back still throbbed from the intense pain she went through. She cringed as remembered the experience. [color=slateblue][i]"I look kinda like her..."[/i][/color] She thought to herself as she studied herself more. Claire thought of her favorite champion in League of Legends, Anivia the Cryophoenix. Claire looked out at the apartment, recalling everything was frozen in ice before, but it all seemed to be gone now. Turning back to the mirror, she frowned at her appearance. She couldn't possibly go out in public like this! [color=slateblue][i]"How can I make these wings [b]disappear[/b]?"[/i][/color] To her shock, they faded away in a blue ethereal light along with the rest of the frost on her body. [color=slateblue][i]"I guess I can control them by will then."[/i][/color] she guessed. Claire proceeded to shower and get dressed, pulling her hair into a ponytail. She had nothing planned today and she was off today as well, thus she decided to get out of the apartment and grab a cup of joe at the popular cafe down the block. She figured getting some fresh air might ease her mind for the time being. She slipped on a green tshirt with the mountain dew logo printed on the front and a pair of blue jeans as well as blue converses to accompany the simple outfit. As soon as she was finished, she was out the door and enjoying the warm morning. [hr] [i][color=slateblue]"What should I get?"[/color][/i] Her eyes scanned the menu as the line shifted forward as each order was expeditiously prepared and served. Claire was leaning towards a cold frappucino, which was a little abnormal for her, however she craved it this morning. Eventually she was at the front of the line and she stepped up to the counter. [color=slateblue]"Hi. Good morning!"[/color] Claire chirped. [color=slateblue]"Could I have a white chocolate mocha frappucino, please? Oh, make that a grande as well please."[/color] [@Cubix]