Edgar had the Pokemon Lab in sight. He clutched the strap of his messenger bag. He was anxious . He came here on a whim, a desperate and albeit unimportant whim. He needed to see the point in this journey, and right now, it's something to do and find something in it all to accomplish by the end of it. Estoria seemed nothing like the cities in Unova. In Edgar's opinion Estoria was more hustle and bustle compared to something like Castelia's vibrancy. The lab was nearer, and he grew excited. He wondered about the region itself, what the professor was like, what the trainers and gym leaders were like, etc. There was so much to uncover. At 18 years old, Edgar felt a bit old to be starting this all now. He'd heard great stories about past champions of Unova from his dad and those exploits being as impressive as they were, Edgar wanted some stories of his own. He was determined to make them. Lost in thought he noticed the lab was now just down the street. He sped his pace and arrived at the door. As Edgar entered, there were already five people inside. "Are we waiting on anyone else?" he asked, eager to begin his story.