[center] [img] https://aperture64.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/ruins-in-the-woods.jpg [/img] [/center] “Ease off, McTavish.” Duela said calmly, adopting a tone that was both firm and soothing, without coming across as patronising “In this instance I’ve got no problem with everyone spreading out.” She then shot him a quick smile and a wink “If this were any other situation, I’d have you bash their heads in.” She then turned to address the rest of the group. “So we have Aaron and Lux in one group, and Ellie and Cassandra in another? One of you take Nathan with you, and the other Harriet.” She didn’t want to let it show, but Duela didn’t hold the two newcomers in a position of trust. Beneath her masquerade of sweet civility, the gears of her mind twisted and spun, and they had been oiled by over two centuries of skullduggery and espionage. “John, and McTavish I want you with me.” She called over to the guardsman and the Supermutant “And you, Yorkshireman. If we’re set on doing some reconnaissance, we might as well try and cover as much ground as possible. Fan out, and report back here in three hours.” [center] [b]* [/b][/center] Two encampments sat on either side of Haven 23. One consisted of a few tarpaulin tents and scrap metal shelters, littering a wasteland of concrete and asphalt. Dirt red bricks littered the floor, and a makeshift circle of sand spread out across its centre. This was the “Ring of the Fearless”; an arena where slaves fought slave, for the leisure of their raider masters. The other camp was made up of some shoddy fences of rotting wood and old pieces of corrugated iron, strung up amidst a thicket of the twisted husks of dead trees.Sitting behind the fences were large steel cages, stuffed to the brim with the malnourished bodies of slaves. This was “The Leaky Bucket”; a small encampment used to house the surplus of slaves who couldn’t fit in the grounds around the Haven itself. The Haven itself lay between the two, but before it could be reached the adventurers would first have to pass through the guardpost which blocked the way.