[center][img]http://img05.deviantart.net/b66b/i/2013/069/8/2/percy_jackson___the_sea_prince_by_flockeinc-d5p18j5.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=seagreen]"If I were dropped out of a plane into the ocean and told the nearest land was a thousand miles away, I'd still swim. And I'd despise the one who gave up."[/color][/center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Todd Reynolds [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 17 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Human [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Todd is 6 foot tall, and has the body of a swimmer. He spent most of his childhood on the beach. He's lean and toned from swimming and repairing boats. His skin is a dark bronze from his time in the sun. His sea green eyes are greener than anyone has ever seen, his dark colored hair is wind swept in a perfectly (yet messy) fashion. He usually wears a simple blue hoodie, beige shorts, and worn black skater shoes. His most surprised possession (besides his weapon) is a necklace with a small piece of blue coral on it. When in combat he wears gauntlets that look like seashells, a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4f/28/13/4f2813b034552685692e97a2114ace09.jpg]leather chest plate[/url] [u][b]Weapon Name:[/b][/u] Litore [b]Weapon Appearance/Function:[/b] [img=]http://img08.deviantart.net/e3b6/i/2010/183/2/7/rps_trident_by_heidifury.jpg[/img] [b]Type:[/b] Melee, semi-range, defensive, dust tips [b]Weapon Derivation: [/b]Trident (and [url=http://southernsudan.prm.ox.ac.uk/images/midsize/1961.9.8_a.jpg]fishing harpoon[/url]) [b]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/b] Todd has a holster strapped on his back to keep his weapon, when holstered it is in the form of an old fishing harpoon. Form 1: Litore's first form is an old rusty fishing harpoon. The weapon from his town usually takes this form to humble itself. It is, in its simplest form, a tool. The town's most skilled fisherman would use this weapon for providing for its family, and to produce hard work for rewards. In this form it can be a weapon, but it is used for protection and defense, its blade too dull and rusted to do any major damage Form 2: Its true form, Litore can become a majestic trident with perfect weight, and razor sharp blades. Along with this form, the tips of the trident's blades can produce high pressured jets of water that can stun an enemy for a very short time, enough time for the user to get into close quarters. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Todd is extremely loyal, headstrong, and brave. Like the ocean, his mood can shift very quickly depending on the mood. Most of the time he is calm, merciful, and gives utmost respect. Other instances he can be cruel, unforgiving, and relentless. He is very carefree, a child at heart, someone who won't take no for an answer, and loves a good pun. [u][b]History:[/b][/u] I grew up in a small coastal town called Caister, on the North Eastern side of Vale. Most of the families here were fishermen, hardworking sea-weathered men and woman working hard to get food on the table, and selling food and exotic items that wash onshore... I spent my early childhood playing with the kids on the beach, or helping my parents with their jobs. We were a bit different than the other families. our profession weren't fishermen. My mom fixed boats that made it to shore or just needed repair. My father joined the wealthiest family's crew and helped fish for long speared shrimp (deadly, but delicious!), and was also in charge of fighting off the Grimm. He kept both the coast and beaches clear of the monstrous creatures... Many kids my age would want to stay clear from those monsters, and believe me, I did too... But I wanted to stop the Grimm from hurting anyone I knew. I had the Warrior's spirit. years passed, and I was helping both my mother during the day with boats, and then learning to fight with my father. I used an old fishing harpoon for training. It was hard, the old harpoon gave me splinters, but I never stopped. When I wasn't working, I was playing on the beautiful beaches. On my 17th birthday my father told me the story about how Caister was founded. A long time ago there was a ship making its way across the ocean to reach Vale, holding the bravest and most noble crew that ever sailed the seas. The ship had smooth sailing until they were attacked by a large sea beast, and hundreds of smaller ones. The ship survived for two full days. The willpower and leadership of the Captain kept them afloat for so long, until finally the ship was sunk... But the God of the Sea took pity on the Captain. He spared him and took him to the closest shore. He admired his bravery and warrior spirit, and rewarded him with not only his life, but a weapon of the God's creation. The captain took the weapon with pride, and used it to defend him and the other few survivors, creating a settlement, banding together... Years later the Captain turned to an old man, but had one more duty to fulfill. He set out onto the ocean once more, and met the giant beast that took his ship and crew mates so long ago. With the help of the legendary weapon, the monster was slain, and the Captain made it back to shore, passing away peacefully, and passing the weapon down to his son, one who had the same warrior's spirit in him. No one knows what happened to the legendary Trident... After that story he gave me the old harpoon I trained with for so many years, and he informed me that THAT was the legendary weapon Litore.. I was not sold on that. That night was also the night where the Grimm attacked. Everyone who knew how to fight went to battle, attacking the nightmarish beasts. I was afraid, but didn't hesitate to fight, even with his worn harpoon. The battle felt like it was only a matter of seconds, but that's when I saw my father die. A hideous beast slashed him across the chest. I screamed in agony, and pain. My worst fear coming to life. I charged at the beast, yelling with all my might. The next thing I know I was standing over the aftermath of the battle, the people I've known my whole life staring at me in awe. In my hand was a magnificent trident that seemed to glow in the moonlight. I held Litore. I became in charge of the town's security for a couple months, learning how to use Litore, but the heartache of my father's passing haunted me. I wanted to do more. I didn't want anyone to feel this kind of pain. My mom knew I didn't want to be here either. I was a warrior. And so my mom told me of the Beacon Academy, a place where I can train, and become the protector of light. So I started my journey to become a Hunter. Traveling by foot for the most part, but then hitching a ride on a train to the infamous Academy, eager to avenge my dad, to make Caister and my mom proud, and to protect those who can't themselves. [u][b]Emblem:[/b][/u] [img]http://charlieintel.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/CCFt-bDW8AAtIcg.png[/img] [center]This is the emblem that was shown on the flag on top of his family's home in Caister. His family's emblem, and he will wear it with pride![/center] [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] [b]Color:[/b] [color=seagreen]Sea Green[/color] [b]Combat Style:[/b] Todd's fighting style is like the ocean. He can be very flexible in combat style, but prefers to have his opponents strike first. Although he prefers that style of fighting, there are times where he will fight with unrelentless fury. He is a close quarters to mid range fighter, but can strike enemies from afar with a jet of water. [b]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] Strengths: Adaptable, able to go with the flow. His mid range fighting style and years of hard work as a sailor has kept him at peak strength and flexibility. He is cunning, and due to his defensive fighting style and years out on the unpredictable sea, he has an act of figuring out a quick way to solve a problem. Weaknesses: Can be too loyal to his team mates, and friends. He can be blinded by rage as well (like witnessing a death of an innocent). Although he can shoot jets of water, it doesn't do serious damage, so he is not fit for long range combat, and has no long range defense. [b]Semblance:[/b] Due to the warrior's spirit, Litore has a link with Todd and when the crystallized tip at the end of the Trident is dug into the ground, the Earth erupts with large amounts of water, sending a large tidal wave forward and surrounding his enemy. The impact of the force is devastating, eroding everything in the terrain, but only lasts a couple seconds. He has never successfully used it before, he only knows about this ability from the stories of his town.