[b]Terance Neston[/b] "[color=ed1c24]A little money?[/color]" Terrance's family isn't poor, the job of auror pays pretty well. But buying all the candy from 'a little money' with no care for leaving some for later? That was...well, a lot more than his family's definition of a little money. His family's definition was a few Galleons tops, usually nothing over one Galleon...least as far as giving Terrance some pocket money was concerned. They had given him a bit more than that for the year at Hogwarts, but he didn't plan on wasting a significant fraction of it on candy. "[color=ed1c24]Welp, if your family sees fit to provide you with the means to entertain yourself and your friends like kings for the year, then by all means I will happily leach off their hospitality for as long as you allow, my new best friend by virtue of overwhelming riches![/color]" Terrance announces with a jocular grin.