[b]Kerch[/b] Kerch walked down a corridor. the part of the school he was in was almost completely slient and devoid of life. infact. Kerch liked it, all the annoying kids were gone. and their was only Kerch. He had no idea why everyone was gone. but he didn't really care. he liked being alone after all Kerch began to whistles he walked down. he was looking for a bunch of supplies. looked at a crudely drawn to-do list. which said [b]End-of-the-world To-do List[/b] [b][s]:1 Acquire food and water[/s][/b] [b]Done[/b] [b]2: Build a Flame thrower.[/b] [b]3: Do other fun things until more people arrive.[/b] He heard that it may be "Zombies" or "Walkers" that could've made everything go quiet. but scientifically that was impossible. Because Kerch read it online that it wasn't possible. since the brain would already have rotten and the Zombies couldn't do anything anyways. Kerch had some of the stuff needed to make a full-fledged flame thrower. he had taken the pipe's out of the School Shower's. He had a lot of Duck tape. he had a blow torch. Backpack straps for a barrel of gas. so he didn't have to stand in place. all he needed was the gas. which could be siphoned from the car's using a garden hose....which he also needed. [i]crap.[/i] But. Kerch didn't fear. as he had plenty of time. So kerch wandered down the corridor. with a backpack full of stuff. he already had a blue print in mind. he just needed stuff. Kerch turned a corridor and saw a big group of other kids walking down it. Kerch let out a big. long. sigh. now the fun was over and the happiness drained from his face. [b]Uh. hey. whats going on.[/b] He muttered to the group. not referring to anyone but the entire group.