Nayu was staring at Jiro but did not fail to notice Simon, who appeared to be flirting with pretty much every girl in the class. She turns her head and stares straight into his eyes, realising that he was talking to her. Was he not a bully? That would be embarrassing for her if he was not and that she had misunderstood something. However, even is he wasn't, the chances of him being a playboy was not something that she could smile at either. She could see that the girls around him were glaring at her with hateful eyes. If she was a masochist instead of a sadist, this would have automatically made her happy, but that wasn't the case. She wanted to hurt them. She slightly bit her lip. They could have been led on by him and that would have made this his fault instead of theirs, but maybe not and he was just naturally popular or something. The question of whether he was a bully or not filled her head now. [i]M-my name is Nayu... You're not a bully, are you?[/i] Why did he call me lovely and why did he need my name? He reminds me of my real mother...and I don't like that. [@WaddleDaisy]