[center][h3][color=1a7b30]Araguay Woods[/color][/h3][/center] [@Eklispe][@FantasyChic][@Lugia][@Evanist] As the remainder of the forces begin to settle back down into camp, the four warriors are left to their own devices. While there seems to be nothing of not going on at the camp at the moment, they can see that the troops are starting to ready to depart. Shortly after, Robin and the Summoner emerge from the command tent. Oddily enough, they seem to move towards the trio of Arus, Robert, and Erion, stopping just shy of the three. "It's good to see your still with us," Robin spoke, looking over to Arus as he nods slightly, "I was afraid we'd lose many more due to morale." "We still lost a good few. It will be a rough trip the rest of the way." The oddly dressed summoner spoke, folding his arms beneath his cloak as he began gazing about the camp, "We'll have to travel slower, and probably divert from the roads." "I have an idea... And just hear me out," Robin spoke, turning his attention to the summoner, "I know you dismissed it back in the tent-" "And I will dismiss it now. The fact we have an audience will not help bolster your stance. We will not be staying here any longer then we have to." "The troops are weary, the people are scared, and we have been traveling non-stop. We both know we cannot survive with our troops spirit broken." Robin interjects, seeming resolute as the two begin to discuss this out in the open. "So you'd rather just have us sit here, waiting for death to come to us while we drink and make merry? For a strategist, you are a fool." With that, the summoner turns back to the camp while his blue robed ally stands erect with a heavy sigh. "Well, that's that I guess..." And with that, Robin turns to Arus as he leans in and whispers to him (will be pmed) before turning back and heading to the same tent as the summoner. Those who look about can see another scouting party has made it to camp. Arus recognizes one of the group as a dancer from his realm, but it will be up to him to place the name. However, this adds a few more bodies to the camps lowering numbers. A few minutes pass, the silence of the camp broken by the rustling and bustling of troops preparing for their trek. However, the subtle noise is suddenly broke by the camps crier. "People oof Ivalice, and our guests from Ylisse! The commanders have proclaimed that tonight will be without task. You are free to commune with your family and prepare for travels on the morrow!" With that, an odd silence settles, all the while the soldiers begin glancing about one another as they attempt to make sense of what was just spoken.