I huffed, huffed and puffed. Scuffing up the floor with one shoe as I waited for the line to stop moving and for all of the kids to quit filing into this tiny room. There looked to be about twenty of us so far, all around my age. All tall though, and big and loud. Not like the other kids I hung out with, the tiny skinny ones who ran away crying if I so much as nudged them. Okay maybe pushed them. Alright fine, shoved them. No these kids looked tough and smart, like me. But I was smarter! I was always the smartest! Smart enough to know these people had been lying when they said this was a field trip. Right, what field trip starts with a heavily armed escort in blacked out cars that headed an hour out of the city to this little establishment? And included a stomach turning elevator ride downwards into a fancy and shiny basement? They must've thought I was stupid. They weren't kidnappers though, or at least they weren't acting like the usual ones. They were careful around us almost as if unsure how to act near us. Some of the soldiers (They had to be, that's how they walked no matter what plain clothes they were wearing. it was all in the shoulders) even looked anxious or scared. But they hadn't tried to hurt us. not that I'd seen. Just talked to us a bit before saying it was nice to meet us, shake my hand, then ushered us all into this gradually forming line. And now I was waiting. Still wearing my tattered clothes from earlier (I hadn't wanted to put on the clean new shoes they had offered me. They looked stiff and not broken in) but I had been scrubbed clean so vigorously my skin felt raw. They had said something about not wanting me to reek like a shit hole when we met the Doc. I don't think adults are supposed to swear around kids, but those guys had a lot. Gave me a whole new dictionary practically. Couldn't wait to try it out. But now it looked like just waiting.