The fiercely painted eyes of Sam darted across her computer screen; mini-map, then battlefield, dragon timer, then csing, then pinging, and then back to the mini-map. Her fingers hit at the keys and her mouse flurried with clicks. Sam was focused on a game of League of Legends. Granted, it wasn't in a venue she was used to. She had tried to hide herself in a lonely table in the far back corner of this cafe, secretly sucking the place of all of its wifi. The woman hadn't expected it to work, but hey! She was doing fine so far. No one had noticed and she was already 30 minutes into her match. However, things weren't looking good for her team. As usual she played Shyvana top, minded her own business, and was pretty even coming out of laning phase. Mid tower went down, bot fed, and the jungler was an idiot. Sam was the first to post the surrender vote (going on further with this game would just hurt her kda), but obviously her team didn't see how pointless it was. So, they played on... and on... and on. Slowly the woman could feel herself get more and more frustrated. Her pings began to get more spammy. Thirty minutes in and the other team had taken their inhibs. On the bright side, they had respawned and finally repaired things enough in lane that, Sam decided to inch her character into the jungle as her team went with her to try to get dragon. This next fight would make it or break it. The other team was already at drag and already killed it as they got on the scene. They had retreated, going into the jungle near blue buff (they were the purple (red) team side). The other team followed into the crunch zones of the jungle and Sam saw that they were bunched up. THIS WAS IT! Sam turned around to press R all over the enemy team, Shyvana's dragon becoming released and dealing massive damage! Yes! This was such a great engage! Then she was stunned by Annie. "YAY! Tibbers!" Then greyscale screen. Sam sat back in the booth, face blank--dumbfounded. It was only then that she realized that none of her team had been there and she had engaged without them. They had decided to go in full retreat and leave Sam to die. The woman lunged back at her laptop, her fingers racing across the keys typing in chat: [i]wtf TEAM?!?![/i] Now down by a member, the other team won the next fight and destroyed the nexus. "Fuck!" the woman raged out loud in the rather quiet cafe without a care. Sam exploded in all chat (also unintentionally saying what she was typing outloud): [i]NOT GG. BG. BAD GAME. report bot for feed.[/i]. With that she slammed her laptop closed and banged her fist on the table. She kinda just froze there tensely as her anger built and built. Little did she know she was emanating a great deal of heat, anyone within passing would feel it, as if she were a space heater. It was after a few long seconds of this that finally she remembered what people had told her. She closed her eyes, and stubbornly heaved a slow breath in and slow breath out. Sam did this for about twice and opened her eyes with a sigh. [i]Whatever,[/i] the silver IV thought, [i]maybe I won't be matched with noobs next time.[/i] Finally she turned her gaze to her coffee that was next to her. She had bought it so that if she got questioned about the wifi usage she could make the claim that she was a paying customer, and thus entitled to it. Of course, it was cold by now after having sat for 30 minutes. She took it in her hands and stared at it pathetically as she contemplated getting another. However, before she let that train of thought go for too long, all of a sudden she saw steam rise from the cup. It was soft at first, but as she stared at it longer in confusion it began to steam a great deal, as if it had just been poured. Her body froze and she couldn't stop staring at this cup that was suddenly coming back to life (or warmth). All too quickly it began to bubble and boil, and then it boiled over all in a matter of seconds. Sam yelped in surprise, flinging her hands away from the cup that had boiled over onto her hands. The cup suddenly retreated from its fury, as if it had been taken of a stove top and onto a counter, leaving it steaming furiously in the end with a bit of spilt coffee on the table. She instantly investigated her hands for burns and then realized that there was nothing. The coffee hadn't made her feel pain and the jerk and been from expecting pain more than anything. The once boiling coffee dripped down her arm and she felt no pain and saw nothing, not even redness rise from her skin. Her eyebrows knitted together in amazement and deep confusion. She blinked out of it and hurriedly began to tear out napkins out of the container at her table to clean up the mess that had been made.