[center][h1]Jiro[/h1][/center] Jiro could see the fear in Simons eyes like many others before him, though he was surprised how well he handled it. Most guys like him would of probably crack or have some sort of weakness in there voice. He was a bit tick off by him just sort of acknowledging him and simply turned back to he lady's, almost looking for a way to escape conversation with him. He shrugged it off for now since there was someone else that he was more interested in. He turned around and was about to tell her he's not bullying anyone but to his surprise she was talking to Simon. This had never happened before and was was struck with awe. For once he was lost for words and sorta froze staring at her for a few seconds. He snapped out of it and fumbled together a sentence, sort of trying to avoid eye contact. [color=ed1c24]"Hi, um, were just sort, well, talking. I doubt anyone is bullying anyone on the first day. I mean at other schools I've seen it, well, happened, and um, well the point is I'm sorta just trying to make friends..."[/color] trailing off. He has never felt this way before and didn't know whether he like it or hated it. He felt embarrassed and he doesn't even know why. Thankfully the teacher walked in to save the day, at least that's what his first thought was until he start to talk. (I think everyone is in there class room, if not I'm sorry for posting to early. Go ahead and walk in "late or on time," not like the teacher cares.) [center][h1]John[/h1][/center] John woke up. He didn't know what time it was, nor did he really care. He made breakfast, a simple egg with toast, scarfed it down and got dressed. He slipped his wallet and a 3DS into his pocket and grabbed his suitcase which he assumed had important papers in it. He'll check when he gets to school. He grabbed his fedora and walked outside unchaining his bike. He looked at the sun and could tell he was running late, how late? Only God knows. He pedaled a bit faster than usually to get to school. After rechaining his bike at the school, he walked into the gym. The gym was completely empty besides a few janitors putting the last of the fold up chairs away. [color=0072bc]"hmm, it seems I missed the opening ceremony, not that I needed to go. I doubt the students to wanted to here another teacher blab his mouth about stuff they honest could care less about."[/color] He left the gym and power walked to the classroom which was filled with students just chatting away. He walked to the front of the room and announced, [color=0072bc]"Hey all, your o so wonderful that teacher has arrived. Take your seat if you want, but at least shut your trap for once and let me speak at least for, like, five minutes. I think this is homeroom? Whatever, I'm John Smith and I, like, teach math. Yea that's it really it...so I guess this is the part where I teach you something? Let me check real quick."[/color] He pulled out his suitcase and pulled out all the papers, which were all the same 4 page packets with questions front and back. He put them on the front desks expecting students to pass them back. [color=0072bc]"So like these are packets that would let me know what you know and don't know, I think. Fill them out and if there isn't enough then ask me and I'll try finding more. If there's anything you need help with, like almost anything, go ahead and, like, ask me and I'll do my best to help. I'll expect the packets be done by tomorrow at the end of class, I guess...well that's all I have planned have fun!"[/color] He then took out his 3DS, took a seat in front of his desk, kicked his feet up on top of the desk, and played on it like no tomorrow. A bit more about the packet. This packet contains practically everything. From simple addition, to geometry, to physics and chemistry, to calculus 3. He could go farther on to things like rocket science but he though this was enough for high school students, especially since he was only going to skim over the first 5 if anyone actually turned there's in.