Liam looked at this girl, who he now came to know as Manami, who never said a word to him but instead just got up and left. Liam stood there for a few seconds realizing what just happened. [color=#C2C2C2]That stuck up stupid little mutha-[/color] Liam paused as he looked at a clock and realized he was late for class. He stood there for a few seconds wondering how the hell he could be late for class before darting off into the school. After checking what room he was to be studying in he took off again finally entering class A-3. [color=#C2C2C2]Sorry I'm l-ate.[/color] he said bowing to the teacher. As he entered he looked around he saw Manami sitting around the back of the classroom. His fists slowly clenched as he slammed the sliding door close with a little too much force, his eyes still fixed on Manami. As he looked at her he slowly lifted his head up showing the full extent of his Scar. The scar looked as though it was freshly stitched an was about 3 inches in width. Whilst searching for a seat he saw faces of shock and even disgust as his classmates studied him. Soon he found a seat in front of a boy with a group of girls surrounding him and he took a seat there. Ugh not a great start to this morning. [i]But hey its okay there are still many other people I can make friends with.[/i] He thought as he turned around and looked at the multitude of girls trying to crowd around what seemed to be like Mr popular and that red head dude he was trying to talk to. Liam was just about to say hi when he saw them talking and decided it would be better to just wait for class to start instead.