[@BreakingMe] Ken was about to give some kind of sarcastic remark to the old man and continue on with his speech about how wonderful women are and whatnot, most likely getting him into detention for the afternoon. However, Kansas made her move... If you were to compare Ken to anything, you could probably describe him best as a dog, in both the positive and negative sense. He had a pure heart, but not always pure motives, and always seemed like a heroic and loyal idiot. You'd have to cut his nuts off in order to get him to stop yapping on about girls, too. But his most redeeming quality was that he was hardworking and willing to listen, at least if you presented something to him that he found interesting (which isn't difficult considering he has a one-track mind). Climbing off the table with the speed of a cheetah, Ken practically [i]teleports[/i] to Kansas' side, smiling with that same old goofy grin of his. "Of course! Now's the perfect chance to set the right flags for your route, Miss Carrington! I screwed up last time, and unfortunately there are no ways to save your game in real life, but that just means I'll try with all I've got! I won't be making the same mistakes again!"