Bishop approached the scammer, with one swift motion he punched him in the stomach and then caught him by the throat throwing him backwards away from the gate. Fuckers like him were the main reason people like Morgan perished. One more punch in the back of the head left him unconscious. picking him up by the hair, Bishop dragged him into a sitting position against the wall to avoid anyone getting too curious or "worried" although by the looks of this town that was nigh impossible. Checking all his pockets, Bishop found 7 gold rings*, all of the coins were like [hider=this][img][/img][/hider], 19 silver ones which only had 2 rings intertwined around eachother and 38 bronze ones which only had 1 ring. He also had a weird ancient-looking puzzle ball the size of Bishop's fist, and every time Bishop rotated it, it made a clicking noise as to tell that the parts were aligned. The puzzle ball could also expand when Bishop pulled on it from both sides, making the rotation seemingly easier. Randomly rotating the puzzle, Bishop then pressured the ball to lock it in it's original, as nothing was aligned, it did nothing. The scammer also had a letter in the same hidden pocket he held the puzzle, in the letter it was pictured [hider=a strange drawing][img][/img][/hider]. Bishop would worry later about this puzzle. Putting all the loot in his pockets, he turned to Cronus saying:"Well then, shall we help ourselves to some good meal and a well deserved rest? I'm paying ;)." Now they had to find some good place, with good food, preferably no spit or rotten things on it. They finally officially entered the town, now in full view for them to grasp. [@c3p-0h][@Billsomething]