[hider=Padawan Larc Mundus] [b]Name:[/b] Larc Mundus [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [hider=Appearance] [img]http://www.starwarsreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/the-last-jedi-1.jpg[/img] Larc stands 1.70 meters tall. With short brown hair and a braid on the right side of his head. [b]Lightsaber[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/82/fb/6a/82fb6ad2b50169d5a15ce5d0c833d19c.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Rank:[/b] Padawan [b]Personality:[/b] Padawan’s are often seen as hot-headed, ill-experienced but very driven people. Eager to prove themselves in battle. They often speak out of turn and with a passionate fire that over years get quelled by knowledge, understanding and maturity. Larc is the exact opposite of this. Silent, calm and withdrawn. He doesn’t like be to be in the spotlight, nor does he like being a vanguard on the front line. Instead he tries to help plan operations and often aids the artillery regiment from behind the front lines. Larc always tries to think clear and logical. Without emotions. However, there is a darker part of him. His master probably knows it. Larc doesn’t take command status well. He has a tendency to freak out when he has to lead a group of clones into battle. As a person, Larc tries to be as professional and stoic as possible. Greatly driven by the Jedi-code, he may have interpreted it incorrectly. Thinking a Jedi should be emotionless and calculated. However, deep inside a fire still burns. A fire that may radiate a beautiful warmth of compassion and empathy. But Larc fears it. He fears his own emotions and once confronted with emotional situations, he often has no idea how to react. When confronted with someone else’s emotions towards him (For example, if someone told him they loved him) his mind would go haywire. [b]Abilities:[/b] Larc is actually very well versed in the force. Being able to sense it pretty well at a very young age. His Force Push has an exceptional strength for his young age. Further, his telekinesis is exceptionally refined. He can move very small objects (say screws) with extreme precision. His mental abilities (like Force Empathy or Mind Reading) is still pretty weak. Even for a Padawan. As Larc does not like fighting, he chose to only learn Form VI: Niman. A basic form composed of little parts of the first 5 other forms. At the basis it combines lightsaber combat with Force techniques. Though Jedi who mastered other forms may see it as inferior. Under Vail, however, Larc realized that his Force talents may come in useful for the very dangerous Form IV: Ataru. A dangerously fast combat style extensively relying on the Force for acrobatics. So far Larc is far from even mastering a basic level. But there is promise yet for the young Padawan. If given time. [b]Bio:[/b] Born on the very industrial planet of Kuat, Larc never saw much green or grass. As is tradition, he was found to be force sensitive and taken in by the Jedi Order. Larc, when asked, will often say that he remembers nothing of his young life on Kuat. This is a lie. He remembers very clearly that his mother held him very close to him. He still remembers the warmth coming from her. He still remembers her love. At the Jedi Temple, Larc quickly learned the great importance of the Jedi code. He was able to recite it at a very young age and learned its importance. Every night, before going to sleep, he recited the Code, trying to understand its deeper meaning. When learning that attachment was forbidden, and emotions could be dangerous, Larc turned away from them completely. Thinking that only that way a Jedi could become truly great. On his own, he developed a meditation technique where he suppressed his own emotions, and all memories of emotions. Instead of self-reflecting upon himself. No Jedi teacher was aware of Larc’s adapted technique. For some reason, it allowed him to tap more into the force. Even from a young age, he showed exceptional skills with it. Telekinesis was an early talent of the boy. This led him to focus more on his meditation and study of the force. He also studied the history of both Jedi and Sith (to the allowed extent) greatly. He succeeded his Initiate Trials. However, Jedi Grand Master Yoda had seen him meditate from time to time. The little green creature sometimes spoke with the young boy. Larc, obviously, revered Master Yoda greatly. Yoda however, felt something off in the way Larc mediated. So he asked him a question. Simple in words, yet a question most Jedi must would have pondered greatly on, if they wished to answer in truth. Master Yoda asked how Larc would handle if someone showed him true affection. Larc, almost like a robot, answered that he would politely yet firmly make clear that he was a Jedi, bound by the Code. Larc was 15 at this time, a difficult age sometimes. Yoda asked if he would have no doubt at all about saying such a thing. Especially when the feelings were returned. At which Larc answered that such feelings would never be returned. A lie, both to Master Yoda and himself. Something he knew deep inside. But he thought that answering in any other way, that it would cost him his Padawanship. A few days later, Larc became a Padawan, under the guidance of a very promising Jedi Knight. Vail. [/hider]