[hider=Padawan Wae Koo] Name: Wae Koo Species: Lurmen Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://t02.deviantart.net/X8GGS6A-qerBWVuxESoI3ALjyGQ=/fit-in/300x900/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre05/4707/th/pre/f/2010/025/b/3/lurmen_head_shot_by_jediknight97.jpg[/img] Wae stands at 3 foot 7, tall for a Lurmen. He has gray fur with black stripes and black hair on his head. He has dark brown eyes with a yellow eyeball, like most Lurmen, which gives him night vision. [hider=Lightsaber][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_LBoiJX-K6F8/S_1fsogOXvI/AAAAAAAAA-c/sVkTTM6z5to/s1600/Ro-lightsaber+Rahm+Kota4.jpg[/img] Lightsaber, has a green crystal.[/hider] Rank: Padawan Personality: Wae comes from a pacifist culture and although he was not raised in it, it's in his blood. He does not enjoy fighting and would much rather use diplomacy to solve problems. However, he has no problem with destroying non-living things sch as droids but dreads to think about taking the life of anything living. Ironically, Wae's small size and speed make him an excellent fighter and much to his dismay, he has been thrown headlong into the clone wars. He views the Clones as a tragic sort. While he knows they enjoy battle, he can't help but think many in the republic treat them just as bad as droids, just pawns in a colossal game of chess. So he is kind and friendly to the clones, often helping them in whatever way they can, which makes him popular among the troops. Using the force he is an excellent healer and when on the defensive in battle he can be devastating. Abilities: Force Push/Pull Force Jump Force Speed Force Heal Force Persuade Lightsaber Form I- Schii-Cho Lightsaber Form III- Soresu Lightsaber Form IV- Ataru Lightsaber Form V- Shien Bio: Wae was born on Mygeeto in 39 BBY. However, his parents were killed in a wreck shortly after he was born. With no one to care for him, he was taken into a foster home. A year later a Jedi stopped for fuel and learned of Wae's story and decided to take him to Coruscant. There he was trained in the ways of the Jedi and developed his skills. He learned under various different masters in his Padawan years, never staying with one Master for more than a year or so. He never knew why, but it always seemed that he was transferred between masters on purpose. Nevertheless, he thrived as a Jedi and followed their principles with ease, peace being in his blood. However, the clone wars bring a new challenge for him. When he was 15 he visited his home planet and learned about his parents. They were leaders, loved by everyone, good people. His visit to Mygeeto lasted a week. And while it wasn't a long time, Wae felt he had some closure. While he's seen people die and has no problem with killing robots, he dreads when he'll come across a living opponent. More so, he hates to see the clones treated as mindless drones. Especially when talking with them, he realized that they have personalities and hopes and dreams and to live a life of constant war. It's hard for him to grasp. However, with his new master he'll see a whole lot of action.[/hider]