[b]Designation:[/b] 177th Specialized Battalion [b]Structure:[/b] Infantry Battalion, 2nd 417th Infantry Regiment, 64 squads, 16 platoons, 4 companies [b]Specialty:[/b] The 177th is a heavily specialized Battalion. While capable of providing a decent number of troops to the front lines of the fighting, the 177th specializes in deploying more elite troops for different situations. The 1st and 2nd Companies both fall under the bracket of standard infantry divisions, except that one platoon of each is dedicated to specialist soldiers. The 3rd Company of the 177th is an Airborne Company, consisting half of Jet Troopers and half of Paratroopers, while the 4th Company is a Recon Company, with three platoons comprised of ARF specialization troopers and one platoon of Aerial Recon Troopers. [hider=Command] [hider=Battalion Commander Drake] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/d/d0/Fil-TCW.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141224200048&path-prefix=protagonist[/img] Number: CC 26-1421 Name: Drake Rank: Commander, 417th Legion, 2nd Infantry Regiment, 177th Attack Battalion Distinguishing Features: Bald, black goatee, red stripes tattooed on the side of his head resembling the pattern of his helmet. Personality: Drake is a calculated and cool commander, a true believer in the greater cause of the Galactic Republic. Willing to lay down the lives of himself and his soldiers in order to successfully complete the task given to him, Drake recognizes that the Clone army is completely expendable in the eyes of the Republic. He will do whatever it takes to achieve victory, no matter the cost. This is not to say he does not care for his troops. Despite the fact that he would send all of them to their deaths in a heartbeat to achieve victory, Drake does not generally consider himself above any of his fellow soldiers. They are all children of the same root and they are all expendable in equal measure in Drake's eyes. [/hider] [hider=Major Tavo] [img]http://www.501st.com/mw501/images/thumb/4/4d/Ganch.jpg/500px-Ganch.jpg[/img] Number: CT 21-5551 Name: Tavo Rank: Major, 177th Specialized Battalion, 1st Company Distinguishing Features: Looks like a generic clone, but has 'TAVO' tattooed on the back of his neck and scratched into the side of his helmet. Personality: Tavo is a fierce battlefield leader. Commanding from the front, Tavo will never expect a clone to put his life on the line where he would not do it himself, and such is always the first one into the breach, so to speak. Compassionate, caring for the life of each individual soldier under his command, Tavo is well liked by the soldiers of the 177th Specialized Battalion. Many among hem feel as though Drake lacks many of the qualities that make Tavo a good soldier, but also recognize that Tavo lacks the clinical efficiency and ruthless decision making ability that makes Drake such an effective commander. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=1st Company] [hider=Captain Falco] [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/8c8c/i/2014/019/8/2/clone_trooper_by_andgil-d72jkyy.jpg[/img] Number: CT 10-4137 Name: Falco Rank: Captain, 1st Platoon Distinguishing Features: Bushy black handlebar mustache and short black hair with two thin lines shaved down the middle. Personality: Falco is far from everyone's favourite captain. Cold and seemingly indifferent to the problems and suggestions of his men, Falco's word is law, and anyone who disobeys that law will be severely punished. Life under Falco's command is far from pleasant. Many would love to see him replaced. Role: Officer [/hider] [hider=Sergeant Cinder] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/ab8f/f/2010/111/5/5/c2e2_sketch__clone_trooper_by_grantgoboom.jpg[/img] Number: CT 09-1283 Name: Cinder Rank: Sergeant Distinguishing Features: Cinder's fiery red hair tends to be a dead giveaway. He has grown it longer than most would and ties it back, and it accompanies a full red beard. Personality: Cinder is a pyromaniac at heart. Sergeant of the elite Republic Flame Troopers at the disposal of the 177th, Cinder is friendly and energetic, yet somewhat insane when it comes to fire. As a leader, Cinder's men are loyal and devoted to him, so he must be doing something right. Role: Flamer Sergeant [/hider] [hider=Lieutenant Dogma] Number: CT 03-8943 Name: Dogma Rank: Lieutenant Distinguishing Features: Blind in his left eye with a scar running over it, as a result of an accident when training. This couples with his shaved head and bushy black beard to give him a very intimidating appearance. Personality: Dogma is an extremely by-the-book Lieutenant, checking all of the rules and regulations and never straying from them. Despite this, he is not harsh or unkind, but simply expecting of his men to follow his orders. Although fearsome from the outside, Dogma is a kind-hearted man and will do all possible to avoid unnecessary casualties. Role: Lieutenant, Officer of 2nd Platoon [/hider] [hider=Spitter] Number: CT 06-1003 Name: Spitter Rank: Specialist Distinguishing Features: Spitter's black hair depicts a mural, with the image resembling a rocket crashing into a group of battle droids, shaved into his hair. Personality: Spitter is cool and casual soldier. Spitter serves among the Specialist Platoon of the 177th's 1st Company, and is a reliable friend to all of his fellow servicemen. His relaxed demeanor makes him a calming presence in even the most tense of situations. Role: Rocket Trooper [/hider] [hider=Mixer] Number: CT 10-0093 Name: Mixer Rank: Specialist Distinguishing Feature: Short, light brown hair, Republic insignia shaved into both sides of his hair Personality: Unpredictable and uncontrollable, Mixer is a wildcard in every sense of the word. With a tendency to reject commands, Mixer often comes into conflict with Captain Falco and Sergeant Dogma. Nevertheless, he is a skilled soldier and one of the finest specialists available to the 177th. Role: Heavy Gunner [/hider] [/hider] [hider=2nd Company] [hider=Captain Haze] [img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/ec83e0eaa4ddf486468767698b0c1186/tumblr_nnkti5sTbI1rlup7vo1_1280.jpg[/img] Number: CT 59-7349 Name: Haze Rank: Captain, 2nd Company Distinguishing Features: Bald, bushy grey beard, otherwise normal Personality: The opposite of Captain Falco, Haze is a caring leader and a man of the people, so to speak. While Haze is not as strong tactically as Captain Falco, Haze's men exhibit a much higher morale level and more dedication to their Captain. Role: Officer [/hider] [hider=Lieutenant Kick] Number: CT 71-8235 Name: Kick Rank: Lieutenant, 2nd Company Distinguishing Features: Kick has not really individualized himself at all, apart from growing his black hair slightly longer than usual. Personality: Kick is a merciless commander, a creature of pure hatred. Always angry and rarely found far from a blaster, Kick works his units like a machine. His men dislike him for it, but his Commanding Officers admire the efficiency and effectiveness he can muster from his units. Role: Officer [/hider] [hider=Corporal Spark] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/bdf9/f/2007/002/0/e/clone_trooper_by_hideyosi.jpg[/img] Number: 30-8383 Name: Spark Rank: Corporal Distinguishing Features: Lightning bolt tattoo on both sides of his neck, short blonde hair Personality: Spark is a quirky and eccentric soldier. Always an outside thinker, the Corporal is full of ideas and his ability to formulate effective plans in short spaces of time has many tipping him for future command. However, for the time being Spark is content with his role as a Corporal among the combat engineers of the 177th's 2nd Company. Role: Combat Engineer [/hider] [hider=Swipe] Number: CT 44-5240 Name: Swipe Rank: Trooper Distinguishing Features: A badly broken nose, shaved head, black red goatee. Personality: A fiery spirit, Swipe is regarded as undisciplined and disrespectful. A seemingly constant source of tension among the men, Swipe is frequently caught up in brawls and scraps, and his hateful attitude towards his fellow troopers has led to multiple requests to have him removed from the Company. Role: Trooper [/hider] [hider=Sergeant Five-Nine] Number: CT 59-5959 Name: Five-Nine Rank: Sergeant Distinguishing Features: Hair is only on top, bald on back and sides, has '59-5959' tattooed on the back of his head Personality: Five-Nine is a skilled Medic. He is calm and collected in the most stressful of situations, and many of his fellow soldiers have come to depend on him and his squad. Five-Nine is one of the few soldiers who openly opposes Commander Drake, and is also opposed to the deployment of a flamer unit among the 177th Battalion's 1st Company. Role: Combat Medic [/hider] [hider=Brenn] Number: CT 03-8658 Name: Brenn Rank: Specialist Distinguishing Features: Brenn has bright red hair shaved into rows on his head. He has no facial hair, but does have a tattoo of the Republic insignia on each cheek. Personality: Brenn is a true believer in the cause of the Republic. Fiercely dutiful and loyal to his brothers-in-arms, Brenn is willing to lay his life on the line no matter what for the Republic. Brenn is proud of the army he fights in, proud of the soldiers they are and what they represent, and will fight for his Republic until his last breath. Role: Heavy Gunner [/hider] [/hider] [hider=3rd Airborne Company] [hider=Captain Slammer] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/clonetrooperpedia/images/5/53/Clonetrooper_ARC_Captain.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120418235658[/img] Number: CT 10-2318 Name: Slammer Rank: Captain, 3rd Airborne Distinguishing Features: Red armor as opposed to the standard Green of Republic Jet Troopers. Short black hair with an arrow shaved pointing from his hairline to the back of his neck. Personality: The easy way to summarize Slammer would be adrenaline junkie. There is no surprise that many would label Slammer as insane, given his love for danger and determination to take as many risks as possible. A talented strategist, Slammer is trusted enough to answer directly to Jedi Master Jiyan Krik rather than Commander Drake. Role: Officer, 1st Jet Platoon [/hider] [hider=Lieutenant Broadside] [img]https://www.sideshowtoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/JoseF.jpg[/img] Number: CT 11-7651 Name: Broadside Rank: Lieutenant, 3rd Airborne Company Distinguishing Features: Broadside looks like any other trooper, except that he has 'CT 11-7651' tattooed on the back of his neck Personality: Very much the moral compass of the 23rd Airborne Company, Broadside is very much the rational and calculated counter to the somewhat psychotic recklessness of his Captain, Slammer. Broadside is the only one who can challenge Slammer's decisions without repercussion. Nevertheless, the 3rd Airborne are a close Company, and Broadside's loyalty to his Captain is unquestionable. Role: Officer, 2nd Jet Platoon [/hider] [hider=Lieutenant Comet] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/dcee/f/2014/318/4/3/airborne_shock_trooper_by_smackadoodeldoo-d86dcix.png[/img] Number: CT 11-1397 Name: Comet Rank: Sergeant Distinguishing Features: The trim of Comet's paratrooper armor is black as opposed to maroon. He has a thick, bushy beard, dyed white. He is otherwise bald. Personality: A soldier through and through, Comet feels a moral duty both to his men and his Republic. Courageous and loyal in the face of battle, Comet is always first to drop; how can you expect your soldiers to follow if you will not lead? While not always a keen strategist, his job as a paratrooper means that he rarely needs to be. Role: Officer, 1st Paratrooper Platoon [/hider] [hider=Cloudy] Number: CT 13-1820 Name: Cloudy Rank: Trooper Distinguishing Features: Cloudy is completely bald and clean shaven. A small cloud is tattooed above his left eye. Personality: Cloudy is very much the joker of the platoon. Quick-witted and sarcastic, Cloudy is full of energy and quick to crack a joke. Energetic to the point of being annoying, Cloudy keeps morale high, even in a dire situation. Role: Jet Trooper [/hider] [hider=No-Go] [img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/9130/th/pre/i/2012/065/d/d/clone_airborne_paratrooper_by_funtimes-d4rw88v.jpg[/img] Number: CT 12-2008 Name: No-Go Rank: Trooper Distinguishing Features: No-Go was part of a horrible training accident which left the lower left side of his face and neck severely burned and scarred. He is clean shaven and his hair is light brown. Personality: Cold, calculating and quiet, No-Go is a mysterious character. His injuries make excessive speech painful due to the scar tissue around the left side of his mouth. No-Go rarely gives his own opinion. Role: Paratrooper Sniper [/hider] [hider=Colt] Number: CT 81-8241 Name: Colt Rank: Trooper Distinguishing Features: Mostly generic in his appearance, Colt has no tattoos or coloured hair. His black hair is slightly longer than normal, and he has a full black beard. Personality: Colt is a dynamic and reckless soldier. Hot-headed and defiant, Colt is a skilled soldier but his lack of discipline and short temper make him useful and dangerous in equal measure. Colt often clashes with his superiors, openly voicing his disapproval of tactics or decisions. Role: Paratrooper [/hider] [/hider] [hider=4th Recon Company] [hider=Captain Flashbang] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/clonewarsadventurescharacter/images/f/ff/Reekbattalion.png/revision/latest?cb=20150915181812[/img] Number: CT 10-2334 Name: Flashbang Rank: Captain, 4th Recon Company Distinguishing Features: Maroon armor trims, blonde hair slicked back Personality: Sly and cunning, Flashbang is a natural leader. While he may not be the most talented combatant, Flashbang's mind is a weapon in itself. He is an incredibly intelligent soldier, well-organised and efficient, and is held in high regard by his men. Role: Officer [/hider] [hider=Lieutenant Trapper] [img]http://thegrandempire.weebly.com/uploads/1/6/8/0/1680481/665036.jpg[/img] Number: CT 19-1645 Name: Trapper Rank: Lieutenant, 4th Recon Company Distinguishing Features: Republic symbol tattooed on the back of his bald head Personality: Trapper is a very outspoken and angry soldier. He is confident in his won ability and tends to look down on those of inferior rank, as sucking up to those above him. While not particularly well liked, many can agree that Trapper's ability on the battlefield makes him worth following. Role: Officer [/hider] [hider=Lieutenant Arter] Number: CT 11-0324 Name: Arter Rank: Lieutenant, 4th Recon Company Aerial Recon Platoon Distinguishing Features: A bushy red goatee and short red hair Personality: Daring and courageous, Arter leads from the front. Never far from the front line, Arter is a determined soldier and a leader worthy of the respect of his men. Role: Officer [/hider] [hider=Sergeant-Major Rys] Number: CT 12-1296 Name: Rys Rank: Sergeant-Major, 4th Recon Company Distinguishing Features: Head is shaved apart from a thin black strip that runs along the middle of his head. Thick black beard. Personality: Rys is a cool, collected and reasonable man. He remains neutral in disputes, considers both sides of arguments, and tries to maintain harmony within his units. Ironic for someone who lives to blow things up. Role: Saboteur [/hider] [hider=Smokey] Number: CT 16-0561 Name: Smokey Rank: Trooper Distinguishing Features: Grey hair and beard, has 'Smokey' tattooed on the back of his neck. Personality: Smokey is not much of a fighter. For someone literally bred for war, Smokey had a dislike of his occupation, and therefore assumes the more passive role as a comms specialist in Recon units, ensuring that information reaches its destination. No one can question Smokey's loyalty to his brothers and his Republic, but many would label his reluctance to fight as cowardice. Role: Communications Specialist [/hider] [hider=Sidestep] Number: CT 13-4232 Name: Sidestep Rank: Trooper Distinguishing Features: Sidestep has his black hair shaved so that an arrow runs from both sides and the top of his head into a single point at the base of his neck. Personality: Sidestep is a slippery troublemaker, yet always manages to avoid the consequences. Frustrating to command and even more frustrating to serve with, Sidestep's delinquency is the cause of most of the tension within the Aerial Recon unit of the 31st Recon Company. Role: Soldier [/hider] [/hider]