All the while, as she gritted her teeth, and pushed the ram up the slope, Sevine watched as the gates welcomed the retreating Forsworn, as the shield bearer’s escorted the ram pushers up the slope the very walls of the redoubt. A rough group of assembled mercenaries rushed the gate, attempting to get inside before it closed them out. The majority of them fell prey to the arrows, and magic from the mages on the walls. She spotted a flash of light, and before she realized it, one of the mercenaries that charged towards the gate, fell victim to a lightning bolt, incinerating his head. However, she was too busy pushing the ram to take note that Cat-Kicker had been injured as well. One of the men in the company, an orc fellow, approached her, and ordered her to secure the breach. A fire burned in Sevine’s muscles from pushing the ram up the slope, however, she felt a renewed vigor as her, and the other surviving ram pushers were now in charge of breaking down the gate. Before putting her shoulder into the ram, Sevine could see how the orc, and other mercenaries provided coverage for the ram pushers, as they targeted the Forsworn that lined the walls above them. She could hear the singing of arrows through the air as they went whistling overhead, the ram, and its supporters were the focus of the Forsworn’s attack. The orc called for ladders on the wall, which would provide a distraction for the Forsworn, and refocus their attack on the mercenaries climbing the walls. “Put your backs into it, men! For the sake of your loved ones, and for the sake of Talos! Heave! Ho!” Sevine shouted as the ram pushers wheeled the ram back just enough to give them momentum. The pushers in unison, put all their weight behind the ram, and heaved it forward. The gate held firm, though it splintered upon impact, but not enough to bring the wall down. “Heave! Ho!” Sevine bellowed again, the volley of projectiles appeared to lessen as the ladders were put against the walls. Once more, the pushers wheeled the ram backwards enough to gain momentum, and threw their weight into it again. The gate remained standing, though now it bore a significant amount of damage. With heads low, the pushers readied themselves for another thrust, as again, they wheeled the ram backwards. “Again men! That gate is coming down this time!” Roared the huntress, and together, the pushers put all their might into the siege weapon, grunting like cattle as they rammed the gate. Mara’s blessing, the gate to the redoubt burst wide open, sending fragmented pieces of the gate into the air as the ram burst through the gate. Upon breaking down the gate to the redoubt, this time, Sevine drew out her longbow, and notched a steel arrow upon the bowstring. “Stick together, and sweep the area! Leave no soul alive!!!” She shouted as the pushers from the ram, now grabbed their weapons, and readied themselves for the onslaught that waited on the inside. Instead of charging blindly into the redoubt, Sevine moved cautiously to the inside of the gate, and fell into a shadow to conceal herself. Her eyes swept the area, looking for any targets that presented a threat to her survival. She spotted two men clothed in fur armor, approaching three of the pushers who greeted them with swords drawn. Pulling back on the bowstring, Sevine closed her left eye, and let her breathing slow, as she focused her aim upon the Forsworn. Before she leased her arrow, Sevine spotted a Forsworn wielding a glowing orb in their hand, and the huntress realized that that Forsworn was a mage. The mage posed a deadlier threat than the other Forsworn, and she refocused her aim upon the mage. Sevine released the arrow, and it whistled through the air, before finding its mark, embedding itself between the mage’s eyes. He dropped to the ground without another sound. Leaving the pushers to take care of the Forsworn, Sevine went in search of more foes. She made her way underneath the wooden lattice that the Forsworn on the walls climbed, and searched for an opening. As she came out on the other side of the lattice, Sevine notched another arrow in her bow, and spotted a mage atop the walls. She let the arrow fly from between her fingertips, and watched in satisfaction as the arrow lodged itself firmly in the mage’s back. The sheer force of the arrow, sent him toppling over the wall. Suddenly, Sevine heard a blood-curling war cry from behind her. A Forsworn woman wielding dual axes charged at her, blades swinging wildly, aiming to decapitate the huntress. She barely had enough time to escape the danger as she dropped to the ground, and rolled away. The woman had a face painted for war, half-black, half red, and donned a headdress with antlers. Sevine leapt to her feet in a hurry, and drew away from her opponent. She back-pedaled across the ground, as she readied another arrow, her fingers worked quickly as she raised her bow up again to take aim. However, she couldn’t release the arrow yet, as the woman came at her again, once more, with dual axe blades swinging recklessly to take out the huntress. “You won’t live to see the dawn!” The Forsworn warrioress shouted as she came deathly close to the huntress. “We’ll see about that you accursed wench!” Sevine spat with fury as she danced ever further outside of the woman’s reach. Now, she raised her bow again, arrow still notched, and pulled the bowstring back. The arrow sprang further, and caught the woman in chest. She fell backwards onto the ground, and writhed in pain from the strike of the arrow, howling in agonizing cries. Sevine approached the Forsworn woman, and kicked away the axes she dropped far from her reach. There, Sevine withdrew her war axe, raised it high above her head, and brought the axe blade down in one clean swipe, and cleaved the woman’s head off. Blood splattered across her face as the crimson fluid gushed like a fountain from the woman’s neck. As soon as Sevine turned around, she cried aloud in shock, as a Forsworn arrow pierced her armor. The arrow struck her in the breast, the force of the feathered arrow brought her down to one knee. Sevine gripped the shaft of the arrow, and with two hands, snapped it clean off. She could still feel the bite of the arrow’s head burning in her breast, but Sevine could tell, that the wound wasn’t deep enough to worry her, as her armor stopped the majority of the penetration. A Forsworn archer approached, and he readied another arrow at the huntress, aiming to finish her off. To her surprise, as she struggled to rise to her feet, Sevine watched in approval as the three ram pushers had finished off the two Forsworn that had occupied them earlier, and now descended on the archer from behind. The poor bloke didn’t see it coming as one of the pushers thrust his blade through the man’s back, and ripped through his torso. He then pushed the archer off his blade, and dumped him onto the ground, before driving his sword through the man’s flimsy fur armor, and into his heart. The archer lay motionless on the ground. Sevine hurried over to the other pushers for support, and ignored the burning in her breast. Together, the three of them went in search of more enemies.