Sagax grinned confidently at the sight of the Forsworn scurrying away back into the redoubt. They severely underestimated the group's strength. Unfortunately, some of the assault force broke off and charged after the retreating Reachmen, most of them dying almost immediately, and another man at the ram fell to the blade of a Forsworn beforehand. Sagax pushed that to the back of his mind, though, when Orakh came up to him and ordered ladders to be put up on the walls. Sagax picked up the end of one ladder, but found himself to be too weak to carry it off to the wall. He cursed under his breath and looked around for potential support. "I could use a hand moving this thing!" he shouted out to nobody in particular, his goal was to simply get someone on the other end of the ladder. Sagax noticed another arrow fly by him, finding its target in some unfortunate woman's shoulder. He recognized her as the girl speaking to Sevine at the camp earlier. The arrow knocked her down and embedded itself into the ground, restricting its victim's movement. Sagax wanted to go and help her, but he also knew that he needed to get that ladder to the wall and take some heat off of those heading through the gate. Fortunately, that's when he saw a very welcome face, that of Jorwen. "Jorwen!" He turned around and shouted, to be heard over the sounds of battle. "Go and help her up, I need to move this ladder!" He pointed at Roze. "It'd be well appreciated!" Sagax then went back to trying his damnedest to move the latter and be of some use.