[center][h3][color=orange]Lee Shen[/color][/h3]Firebender[/center] Turning toward the Chi Blocker as he heard his offer, Lee gave him a look, letting Terra say her piece before she moved off. Turning his gaze back toward the man, he shook his head. [color=orange]"Yeah, think i'll pass"[/color] He added. Perhaps he shouldn't have been so receptive of the Chi Blocker, but he simply did not trust the man, since the disappearance of his sister, he had not met one of his kind who hadn't meant him harm in some way or another, he had simply become conditioned to avoid and distrust those with his skillset. Moving off, he sighed, looking down to the Fire Ferret who had been napping around his neck. [color=orange]"Why don't we find some food, huh Lan?"[/color] The promise of food was more than enough to rouse the small creature from his nap, Lan's small head popping up was he sniffed the air and leaned in a direction. The good thing about a Fire Ferret was that you always knew the way toward food. After a little wandering about, Lee found a small table set up with some small snacks and bits to eat toward the stern. Picking up a handful of jerky bits, he fed a couple to Lan and began making his way through the rest, he hadn't had anything to eat that day so he was quite hungry. Although, he would have preferred [i]not[/i] to have a mouthful of jerky when Terra came out to find him. Giving her somewhat of an embarrassed look, he quickly chewed up and swallowed what was in his mouth as she spoke to him. [color=orange]"Well, the Fire Lord has declared open war on the Chi Blockers and mobilized the army, not that easy considering there's no clear place these guys call home. Really, it's just making our military camps a target, and we're losing men..."[/color] He paused for a moment or two, playing it off as taking another bite to eat. He hadn't told Terra about his sister, he hadn't told anyone really. [color=orange]"There've been a few raids on Fire Nation lands, mostly coastal cities and towns, but they have been getting bolder, attacking better protected areas further inland."[/color] Lee placed his hands on his hips with a sigh, shrugging as Lan jumped off his shoulders onto Terra's, the small critter had always taken a liking to her. [color=orange]"On the plus side, there's a new acting troupe that started up on Ember Island. I mean, they aren't great, but it's something."[/color] He chuckled, he was short on good news at the time, so he hoped at least the small bit would help make things seem not quite so grim. Sighing, he picked up another piece of jerky and held it out toward Lan, the Fire Ferret making a happy noise as he took the piece and began to eat.