Joseph and his family were shown to their living quarters by a few of the station staff, being told about the schedule as they reached the door. Joseph didn't pay much attention to what they were saying as he had his own plans for being here. This station is one of the oldest of it's kind and is bound to have abandon floors, rooms, and labs. There is no way they could refurbish all of what is here, the military wouldn't let them use everything for civilians. [i]It will be fun to see what kind of security systems they have here, and what they could be hiding.[/i] Joseph thought to himself as he found his room and flopped his suitcase on the bed. taking a seat on his bed Joseph pulled his tablet out from his jacket, and began surfing the stations hotel main page. [indent]Main Page >Services >Recreation Here at the Adware Station we provide many different ways for our guests to spend their free time. Our Gym is open from 8:00a to 10:00p station time, and includes a full staff Spa. The food court serves breakfast 8:00a - 10:00a, lunch 11:00a - 1:00p, and dinner is 5:00p - 7:00p. (all these times are station time.) There is also an observatory that feature many facts from our history and recent discoveries from deep space, you can also see a few of our researcher at work in their labs there. Aside from these we offer free Internet as well as TV.[/indent] Joseph smiled as he read the last line of the entry. [i]Where there is an Internet host, there is a door.[/i] This would be his first attempt. Walking to the main area he headed for the door. "I'm going to go have a look around." He called out exiting their room, and heading down the corridor. Walking for a little ways he found a common area with some of the station staff and other lottery winners chatting and relaxing. Joseph sat down and pulled out his tablet again and started poking around with the system. Scepter Mainframe> Network Connections> Adware_Station_HG> Host_Access> [indent]Login: Password: >Searching nearby devices... >13 Devices logged on the same network. >Linking Credentials... >Proxy host made. >Starting Host Login search... >... >... >Username found: Rachele M. >Starting Password rainbow table. >********** FAIL >********** FAIL[/indent] Joseph put his tablet in his jacket while he waited for his program, watching the others talk before being startled by a waitress that came to his table. "Hello there, can I get you something?" Joseph jerked slightly in his seat before looking to the waitress and responding. [b]"Uh... Yeah, I'll take a... Coke?"[/b] The waitress frowned. "We have Pepsi, is that okay?" [b]"Yeah, that's fine."[/b] The waitress nodded and walked away. Joseph sat and waited for his watch to alert him that his program was finished.