[center][img]https://d.wattpad.com/story_parts/32/images/13dbeddcd53a0a1b.jpg[/img] [h2][color=black] Outside Ivy Town, Connecticut [/color] [/h2] [color=black] Eighty miles out from New York City January 1st, 2016 [/color] [/center] "Something's happening. The trains have been disconnected. What the hell-" Star Sapphire was interrupted by the arrival of the infamous Batman, who swung into the train's interior with a poise swiftness and skill that paid homage to the man's training. Before either of the super criminals could react, the Dark Knight chucked a handful of bat-shaped explosives into Solomon Grundy's substantially bulky arms. The grenades went off, their deafening sound enhanced by the tiny space inside the train. Overwhelmed by the sudden cacophony, Grundy dropped the crate containing Amazo's head and pressed his huge palms against his ears. If Grundy had been a lesser villain, the batarangs would have blown holes into his limbs. But Solomon Grundy had tangled with the [i] Man of Steel.[/i] It took more than a couple of firecrackers to hurt him. [quote=Batman]“Grundy. Leave now and we don’t have to do this. Ivo is using you.” [/quote] The Bat-Man thought he knew so much. He thought he was so smart. But Grundy knew better. The Bat-Man was wrong. Ivo was Grundy's friend. He promised to make Grundy rich if Grundy helped him rebuild Amazo. Solomon Grundy liked money. It's how he paid for his Super Friends Trading Card collection. "You not know what you are talking about, Batman! Ivo is Grundy's friend. But Batman is not Grundy's friend. Batman hurt Grundy! So Grundy hurt Batman!" At first glance, one would think the rotting, miry body of Solomon Grundy was heavy. One would think this made the zombie slow. But that was not the case. The dirty, porcelain-colored giant charged across the train with surprising speed. A short leap allowed Grundy to close the final gap between himself and Batman. The monster transferred the previously built-up momentum into his fist, which he crashed through the train floor mere moments after the Batman dodged out of the way. Solomon Grundy grunted and growled in frustration, and tore his hand out of the bottom of the train, rending the metal further. "Stay still, little Bat! Let Grundy smash you!" The swamp beast slammed a hand into his chest, pulling out a butcher knife. He tossed it at Batman. He followed up the ranged attack with a second knife taken from the inside of his corpse, before dashing forward once more and striking out with a sweeping punch. This time, the force of Grundy's attack exploded the side of the train open. Wind rushed inside, and the lighter objects scattered about the train car were thrown into the air and out the gaping out. "Oops." Grundy muttered, his voice lost in the sound of the wind. "You idiot! Watch where you're swinging!" Star Sapphire called. She'd finally snapped out of her surprise at Batman's arrival and grabbed the crate. The pink lantern took flight, carrying the precious cargo in an energy bubble behind her as she exited the train through the hole. Grundy continued to attack the Dark Knight, unaware that his partner was considering leaving him behind. After a moment of flying alongside the speeding train, Star Sapphire decided that Grundy's trust was a small price to pay for Ivo's paycheck. So Star Sapphire reared away from the locomotive and headed towards the west. She thought she was home free. But Sapphire was unaware that Batman was not the only hero who had responded to her attack on ARGUS. She was fast, but not fast enough to escape the wrath of Jesse Quick. It was then that Solomon Grundy noticed the bright pink trail of light leading away from the train. "Huh?" He questioned. The big creature turned away from Batman momentarily, glancing around the cabin. His partner was gone! "Where she go?" He asked. "Where box go?!" Grundy panicked when he noticed the missing crate. "Did Bat-Man take box and partner?!" Grundy yelled angrily. "Grundy smash you if you did!"