(Thread that contains descriptions of the lair) [url] http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/88749-ghosts-in-the-darkness-ruby-vs-shashous-throth/ic[/url] [i]The cave amplified the monster's already incredible hearing. It had spent much of its thousand years of life in that hole and had learned to discern the location of anything out of place. It could tell which tunnel a man was sneaking through, even if they were on opposite ends of the vast network. Centuries of experience in sifting through the echoes had given it a home advantage in spatial awareness that in comparison made its topsoil senses look like those of the Pinball Wizard. Long story short, down here it was "all-seeing". The ranger was up ahead and had set up a trap. The tunnel it was in had no branches. It was a singular route. Certainly the beast knew that it could easily bypass whatever trap was ahead, but it wouldn't try to do so as long as its opponent was waiting for it to come into view. And so it kept still and silent. Patience. [/i]