Having finally received everything she needed to start her Pokemon journey, Marieka was feeling excited and a little bit nervous. She had butterflies in her stomach, but they were the good kind of butterflies. As she made her way outside, she heard shouting and the sounds of running feet. Marieka was suddenly a little frightened, but she squared her shoulders and followed the noise to discover a man lying injured on the ground. [color=violet] “Oh my goodness. Are you all right?”[/color] she asked, kneeling down beside him. She glanced up just in time to see one of the young men who had been at the lab with her. He was running down a darkened alleyway. Hopefully he wasn’t the one who had hurt this man. [color=violet] “Someone help!”[/color] she called out as loudly as she could. Maybe one of the other new trainers would be able to give this man medical assistance or follow after that boy to see what was going on. She couldn’t do both at the same time. For now, she lifted the man’s head off the ground slightly, to keep the blood from his nose flowing in a downward direction, instead of up into his sinuses.