Cal chuckled. [color=0072bc]"Of course you can live off of - "[/color] The train should violently, throwing some students to the floor. More than half of the compartment lights went out, and the train became shrouded in mist. There were more violent shavings, and the whole train powered out, and stopped in the middle of the tracks, illuminated by a few students' wands. [color=0072bc]"Lumos."[/color] Cal muttered, and his wand flickered with a light, enough to fill their compartment with a dim light. Outside, figures could be seen moving from the windows of the closed compartment doors. There were sounds of doors being forced open, blinding flashes of light, and the piercing screams of students. Cal pressed his face againts the window, as well as his wand, and could see at least ten masked people opening compartment doors, and forcibly dragging people out. Other students went willingly, and others opened their compartment doors, and walked over to them, as if friends. Cal sat back in his chair, his heart pounding. [i]What the hell is going on! First the breakout, now this![/i] Cal thought to himself, and then thought the horrible thought, that the people in the cars, were the escaped prisoners. [hr] Elena Lestrange walked down the train, humming a happy tune as she listened to the screams of students who were the victims of her torture curse. She the walked up to a compartment, and stopped. She sensed something. The girl. She quickly slid open the compartment door, and shouted. [color=39b54a]"Stupify!"[/color] She waved her wand in a motion like that of a whip, stunning a group of students ([@SouffleGirl123] [@Weird Tales] [@Dutchess Sarah] [@BlackPanther]) and grabbed the other girl ([@Classpet]) by the hair, and pulled her out of the compartment. [color=00a651]"You should be honored y'know. Not everyone gets the privilege of being taken by someone as nice as me."[/color] Lestrange grinned maliciously, and cackled, before being shot in the back by a red bolt of light, being forced to let go of Brynn. The headmistress ran to the compartment of stunned students, and revived them. She then proceeded to walk over to Brynn, where she found that Lestrange had gone, as well as all of the others. McGonagal helped Brynn up off the floor, and led her back to her compartment. She started to say something, but stopped, and rushed to the front of the train. [hr] [color=007236]"Has it been done? Do you have the girl?"[/color] A raspy voice called out. The voice belonged to a cloaked man that was sitting in what looked like a crude throne. [color=00a651]"N-no sir. It was McGonagal. She aided in her rescue. There was nothing w-we could do, by then the teachers had arrived."[/color] Lestrsnge spoke in a shaky voice as she kneeled on the ground in front off the man. In anger the man shot a red jet of light at Lestrange, causing her to be knocked over and scream. [color=007236]"Your lucky your my favorite, Lestrsnge. Do not fail again, as next time, I will not be so lenient."[/color]