[hider=Character: West Scarborough] [b]Name:[/b] West Scarborough [b]Appearance:[/b] To best describe him in one word: barren. West has dark, dishevelled hair occasionally pulled back with an elastic but usually left to spin in ringlets in whatever direction. His face was like a sandstorm that covered his skin in nicks and scars, and left a buzzed Velcro beard dusting his long chin. His eyes are weighted and brown with thick dark rings under them making his caffeine addiction apparent on his tanned skin, though some argue that it was just dirt that never washed away. Even his rough nails and the uneven callouses on his hands reminded people of old wood. He looks out-of-place at the best of times. He was a battered lone wolf whose punishment was apparent through the messed up dried hairs and the spindly, skinny form. Everything else about his appearance was compensation. A dark beanie or bandana or wide-rimmed hat hides his hair at the best of times, and he wears a pair of square black-rim glasses consistently across the bridge of his flat nose. Usually he is dressed in a collared shirt and tie, or better; dark, polished shoes; and a long blue coat as a sort of trade-mark. But his outfit appears as overcompensation, and it could never hide his waxy, broken complexion or his zombie eyes. His grin is duller than a butter knife, and his motion is always “off-kilter” like a piano that’s off-tune. [b]Age:[/b] 33 – Bounty Hunter [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Power:[/b] West has no power, but his research is impeccable. He’s one of the best trackers in the business with an ability to follow trails that some argue could surpass a blood hound. He isn’t the best in a physical bout. His proficiency lies in his ability to sneak up and trap people, or get them cornered before they realize it’s too late. His speciality is always capture and kidnapping as he is not a huge fan of blood – but he’s been known to resort to violent measures if demanded, or absolutely necessary. It was always fun playing with electric wires, and usually a bullet won’t spill too much if he doesn’t look. It really is a job for him, and he’ll do things that make him uncomfortable for it. [b]Short bio:[/b] At one point in his spin around this planet, West was an excited student graduating from his field in Antiquities and Archaeology (With a minor in Criminology) and a great desire to travel the world and to make a name for himself. He got about halfway there. If he were being honest with himself, he may have jumped the gun a little too quickly. Being promised an early internship at a museum overseas, he quickly dropped his old life behind and pursued his new dream. He didn’t have many friends or family to report to anyhow. That job, unfortunately; it fell through. West found himself with no income, nowhere to go, and deportation looming over his shoulder as his work visa became set to expire. That was when one of his mentors approached him. One of the shadier fellows from the museum who’d always been impressed with his ability to connect stories and tail people. That led to a trail of ransom jobs to which he’d never been connected. Choosing instead to go by “The Coyote” through his criminal channels did a decent job of hiding his identity. Besides, he usually wasn’t the one getting his hands dirty. It was just a matter of finding out people’s paths and cornering them, capturing them, then bringing them in before the group would get paid a ton of money, and they would be let go. The plan was to do it to stay on his feet, just to get him enough to get started somewhere else and keep the job going. Unfortunately, the criminal world is a slippery slope. Before long, West was doing his own jobs involving less-than-okay interrogations with shock batons and other tools as his teams started requesting more and more of him. He couldn’t say no to that money. It was after one major job that deportation finally found him – him being “West Scarborough” and not “The Coyote”. He was taken from the country and the rumour was spread that the Coyote had been put down, even if that wasn’t the case. But with all the money coming in, he still couldn’t stop. Kidnapping was his specialty, tracking people – a hobby. The Coyote became [color=yellow]Big Brother[/color] due to his astonishing accuracy in tracking and trapping. It almost felt like he’d read your thoughts because he looked into you so well. Certain people were willing to pay tons of money for the right heads on the right platters, or the right rich kid in the right villain’s paws. Archaeology faded in to fanaticism and paranoia. He doesn’t sleep much, barely looks like he’s keeping himself together. He knows how much he’s changed, and he hates it. He just doesn’t know how to stop. So when one of the bigger gangs in the country messaged [color=yellow]Big Brother[/color], searching for these “Star Children”, with a promise of more than money, West decided that this could be his last job. One “crossover” event: his love of discovery and Mythology with his skill in capture, torture, and entrapment. Maybe then he could be home free. [/hider]