[hider=Emma Rocha][center][h2][color=LightBlue][b][u]Emma Rocha[/u][/b][/color][/h2] [b]Emma is a youthful girl with soft white skin. Her head is framed by a cascade of long and straight blonde hair that reaches down to the small of her back. She has a small frame, standing at a rather average 5'3". Emma has a heart-shaped face adorned with light green eyes, completed by a small upturned nose. Emma is pretty, but almost always appears far too tired for the amount she sleeps, her face marked by heavy bags beneath her eyes. [/b] [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 19 [u][b]Power:[/b][/u] [i]Umbrakenisis[/i]. A self-coined term for ability to control shadows. As of now her abilities aren't particularly useful- she can sap away light and propagate darkness, then manipulate that darkness. Given time she may very well develop the ability to give form to darkness, turning it to a solid object, and then controlling it. [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] Emma's condition might best be described as 'Chronic Apathy'. One might look at Emma and wonder how she could possibly have subsisted for so long. She seems to spend most of her time sleeping and the word 'initiative' seems to have escaped her vocabulary. She rarely puts a great amount of effort into anything, greatly preferring to put anything off to the last possible second. One might looks at her and draw the conclusion that she wasn't particularly intelligent. That, however, would be wrong. Emma was born into a position of affluence, the only child of a pair of successful industrial magnates. It was later agreed by both of her parents that their child was a supreme disappointment and a huge mistake, so they never conceived again. Early in their daughter's life her parents thought they were blessed with an incredibly intelligent child, but it was not until she began school that they found out that this was not the case. Emma saw little point in schooling, having been handed everything she had wanted. She simply didn't think it mattered, since it didn't, and quickly found herself with failing grades. She would always get whatever she asked for, wouldn't she? After being expelled from her first school she found herself bouncing around several affluent academies, finding little success in any of them. When she finished her mandatory schooling Emma's parents found that no college would take her, and that Emma would take no college. Emma was now effectively NEET. After that she spent all her time lazing around, not motivated to find a job or get back into school, as her parents were not motivated to motivate her. To them she was nothing more than a failure, and they let her do what she wanted. Emma didn't have to worry about money- her parents took care of that and servants prepared her meals, so she spent the next several years doing nothing of particular importance. She went outside sometimes, and did take care of herself to a minimal degree, but for all intents and purposes she had dropped off the face of the earth. That, perhaps, might have continued if it wasn't for the powers Emma began to develop. Emma became lucid of her growing powers, and it didn't take long for one of her maids to notice her playing with the darkness. Soon enough her parent's would discover her latent abilities after firing one too many maids that reported the same unbelievable story, and soon enough Emma's parents decided that Emma had no place within their household. She was promptly sent away to college against her will. Despite her glaring shortcomings Emma is a kind person. She is, in fact, quite friendly when she is in the mood for it. That is, as long as she isn't being 'bothered' by other people, and is instead the one looking for social contact. Indeed, when not found napping Emma is quite the charming young women, and is fairly eager to make friends... on her own terms. To those she can call a friend, Emma is quite loyal, and might actually be persuaded to 'try' when it comes to helping them. [/center][/hider]