You all find yourselves in the Grand Mansion House of Earl Lightfeather, there is a ball going on and the house is looking its best. The chandlers emit a white light that glints off of the various glasses and crystals in the room. As you look around you can see that the house is opulently appointed, grand paintings cover several of the walls, and the centre of the ceiling is a vast glass dome set within the white marble structure of the house. The place is packed with a vast number of people. Technocratic men in smart suits and waist coats dance with women of equal station wearing flowing gowns. A few of the wealthier meritocrats flock together around the edges of the room trying to stay out of the way. Whilst proles walk about serving drinks, maintaining various things and making sure that the guests are well looked after. It is at this moment that you see on the upper concourse of the room Earl Lightfeather and his wife Lady Lightfeather, the two are standing resplendent in the latest fashions and are smiling at their guests. They are accompanied by a number of steamdroids each carrying a platter of drinks or the finest delicacies. With a wave of his hand Earl Lightfeather has the droids start to mingle with the guests, whilst slowly walking after them.