Nicolette remained quiet as she carefully considered the professor's answers. Birek seemed like a genuine man, and she trusted his statement that the scales displayed no known connection to Shadow Pokemon. She also had to agree that an object that boosts the power of Pokemon must be kept in good hands. Professor Leta seemed as good a choice as any. Nicolette still had one question, though. She was a novice trainer, if that. And while a book shouldn't be judged by its cover, none of the other trainers seemed to have particularly powerful Pokemon, either. If these scales were so important, why didn't the professor request stronger trainers to guard it? Claude's question differed from hers, but Birek's answer satisfied both. Yes, she had seen the way some trainers in Phenac City behaved when their Pokemon lost a battle. The woman had hoped those were uncommon occurrences, but maybe not. Nicolette frowned as she looked down at her best friend. Alphonse still seemed a little on edge while he looked at Rush's friend ball. Nicolette's sky blue eyes widened a bit as a thought suddenly came to her. Though the scales might be completely unrelated, what if they [i]were[/i] a missing link in the mystery of how Shadow Pokemon were created? With proper study, maybe they could improve our understanding of how to help ex-Shadows! And who better to unravel those mysteries than someone who helped purify the Shadow Pokemon? "Professor," Nicolette began softly. "I must admit, I'm not much of a battler. If you want to find someone stronger to deliver this important item, I would understand. In any case, I don't think this is a job for just one person." The woman gulped. Then she resumed with much more resolve in her voice. "But if you really think I'll be a valuable member of a group, then I'll do my best. I'll do whatever I can to make sure these scales stay in good hands." Alphonse barked lightly, seemingly in agreement.