[hider=Lotus Snow (hunter)] [i][color=82ca9d]Name:[/color][/i] Elise “Lotus” Snow [i][color=82ca9d]Appearance:[/color][/i] [url=http://postimg.org/image/vkujge21d/][img]http://s16.postimg.org/vkujge21d/Miranda_Kerr_BTS_VS_02.jpg[/img][/url] [i][color=82ca9d]Age:[/color][/i] 26 [i][color=82ca9d]Sex:[/color][/i] Female [color=82ca9d][i]Power:[/i][/color] n/a - extensive weapons training due to her police career and family history - high proficiency with on foot and vehicular chases - krav maga practitioner [color=82ca9d][i]Short bio:[/i][/color]Lotus was born to a family of law enforcement. Her father was a cop, her grandfather was a cop, and his father was a cop. From the time she was born, all she ever wanted to be was a cop. Her wish came true when she graduated top of her class at the police academy. She loved the experience of chasing criminals, relished in the idea of justice, and lived for the satisfaction of knowing it was her hand that put them there. Soon after her 23th birthday, Lotus met a man she would quickly fall in love with and marry. Josh was everything she longed for in a soul mate. He was kind and passionate and loved her deeply. One night, Lotus received a call of a homicide within the vicinity of her home. When she arrived, she found her neighbor dead and her husband covered in burns. The only words he managed were “star child” before he died. Lotus was distraught. She pursued this phrase “star child” with every resource she had available to her. Two months later, the chief of police called her into his office after a particularly exhausting day. Two government agents waited there for Lotus. They told her they had been tracking her star child research and asked if she was interested in finding these children for their organization, as a permanent job. She immediately jumped aboard.[/hider]