I figure we need someone positively sly to play the great houses off of each other. [hider=Jehrilla Zo Zaaraq] [center] [color=000000] [h1] Jehrilla the Ravenous [/h1] [/color] [/center] [center] [b]Name:[/b] Jehrillia Zo Zaaraq [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Seat:[/b] Yunkai [b]Heir:[/b] Shevris Zo Zaaraq [b]Personality:[/b] Jehrilla has a wryly, flirtatious personality, possessing an element of sensual charm and well-spoken charisma. Like most Wise Masters the young woman frequently indulges in her most base urges and desires. A considerable glutton, Jehrilla is prone to overindulging on food. Beneath the surface, Jehrilla is a sly and cunning tactician; with almost no moral restraints. She’s used to getting what she wants, and shows no mercy to those who prevent her from doing so. [b]Biography:[/b] The House of Zo Zaaraq rose to prominence after the second battle of Yunkai; in the wake of Daenerys Targaryen’s return to Westeros. Both the Wise Masters and the Yunkai’i economy had been viciously crippled, and it seemed as though the slave trade was going extinct. New Essosi houses rose out of the ashes of the free cities, with the mutual goal of returning to greatness uniting them in a manner which had not been seen for centuries. It took years of uphill struggling, but after a mixture of shady politics and skullduggery, Yunkai began to thrive once more. The Zo Zaaraq’s had been pirates before Daenery’s time on the throne, but the sudden absence of slaves needed to be rectified, and the Zo Zaaraq’s just so happened to be experts at raiding and kidnapping. They preyed on villages all across Essos, snatching up the locals and whisking them back to Yunkai, and were instrumental in rejuvenating the slave trade. This earned the Zo Zaaraq’s wealth and prominence, and eventually a place amongst the Wise Masters. Jehrilla Zo Zaaraq inherited her household during the reign of King Aegon the Seventh, and has brought great prosperity to Yunkai, at the cost of the freedom of countless new slaves. Upon hearing of the death of the King, Jehrilla has gathered a cohort of slaves, and set sail for Westeros. She has no interest in the politics of the Seven Kingdoms, but knows that the noble lords and ladies will be needing soldiers. And she just so happens to have plenty for sale. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img] http://i383.photobucket.com/albums/oo276/metalsonic2nd/plus20size_zpsxci6jqy2.jpg?t=1450549714 [/img] [/center] [/hider]