A friend.... Did she even want a friend? Did she even...deserve a friend? Yet this is what this strange fellow had called her, or rather asked of her to be. Even with a lack of a smile, Kurohime could still sense the sincerity in his words, the warmth in his eyes. However, she didn't know what to think of this. Friends, twas something she never had in her short breadth of life, and quite amused was she by this youth, though it never showed. She supposed she could entreat this one's request....but then...those very words entered her mind, like a sharp dagger piercing through her skull, the cold chill of the blade upon her bleeding, marred flesh sending shivers to every ending of her frazzled, petrified nerves. [b]"Do not grow attached to anyone. You are here to learn, and that is all. The fate of the world is not our concern. If we hear different...there will be consequences."[/b] No...she couldn't disappoint [i]Master[/i]. God only knows what he would do to her, or worse...what [i]they[/i] would do to her. [color=ed1c24]"I...I'm sorry..."[/color] Kurohime turned away from him, again her eyes facing nothing but the cold, bleak darkness of the dimly lit floor below as she whispered in a hushed, oft mournful tone. [color=ed1c24]"You are indeed kind, that much I can discern, but....I'm afraid I must reject your invitation to...a friendship..."[/color] Solemnly she sighed, closing her blood red eyes. [color=ed1c24]"It has nothing to do with you.... It's just....I don't think I would be the right friend for you..."[/color] [@Slendy]