[hider=Andromeda Thomson] Name: Andromeda “Andie” Renee Thomson Appearance: Andromeda is quite short, about 4’10” tall, as her life of intense gymnastics would indicate. She’s quite muscular, with an athletic, rather than feminine, figure. Her face could be considered lovely, her skin pale and unblemished, cheekbones and delicate nose dusted with freckles. Her eyes are a luminous blue, set under thick eyelashes and well-maintained eyebrows. Not entirely in keeping with this pretty face is her thick chocolate hair. It used to be almost down to her thighs, falling in gentle waves. Now she wears it in a boy’s cut, barely more than fuzz on her scalp, in support of her little sister. Age: 17 Sex: Female Power: She has enhanced speed/reflex times and flexibility. She isn’t aware that it’s a power, she just thinks she’s gifted. Short bio: Andromeda is the middle Thomson child, with a much older brother Orion and her three-years younger sister Aurora. The children of an oncologist and an anesthesiologist, they were all pushed very hard into life sciences and medicine. Andie didn’t want to be a doctor. She wanted to be a dancer. Her parents told her that she couldn’t make a living as a dancer… then, when she was three years old, she saw the gymnastics national competition. She told her parents that she wanted to try gym. They were skeptical at first but she kept begging them until they finally gave in and let her, starting when she was three. When she was six she made the Washington state team. By the time she was nine she made the national age group team and it was looking like she could make a run for the Olympics. That was when Aurie got sick. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. For a while it didn’t look like she was going to live, despite the doctor’s assurances that 98% of all leukemia patients survived. And so Andie abandoned her gymnastics career to spend time with her little sister. Thinking she might only have a few weeks or months with her. It took a year of chemo before Aurie went into remission. Things were looking good for a while and it looked like both girls might be able to go back to living. And then the cancer came back. For six years it seemed like it’s been living in various extended-stay hotels while Aurie’s been at treatment. Finally things have settled down a bit. Andie’s in her second year of college; she graduated high school at the age of fifteen (having done classes at an online academy), right around when Aurie was finally released from the hospital. She’s started getting back into gymnastics and finding that her skills have not deteriorated all that much. [/hider] [hider=Aurora Thomson] Name: Aurora “Aurie” Grace Thomson Appearance: Aurora is even shorter than her sister, about 4’5” tall. But the similarities end there. Rather than a muscular build, she’s quite frail, often confined to a wheelchair because of how weak she is. Her skin is a sickly chalk-white color, her veins standing out darkly under it. Her eyes are still bright, though, icy blue and very attentive. Thanks to the chemotherapy she’s gone entirely bald, though she used to hide that fact by wearing a shoulder-length brown wig. Now she just doesn’t bother; even without any chemo for almost a year it seems her hair is unable to grow back. Age: 14 Sex: Female. Power: She doesn’t seem to have manifested an extra power yet, though it seems people tend to be swayed to listen to her point of view, if she wants them to be. (Her power is ultimately going to be telepathy, the ability to implant false memories and thoughts in people's minds.) Short bio: Aurie was always accelerated at learning. Reading by the time she was two, speaking three languages when she was three. She started playing flute, well, piccolo (because flutes were too big for her little hands) when she was three and a half. Everything was all fine and dandy; she had just started kindergarten when she started feeling sick all the time. There were bruises under her skin for no reason, for she was never hurt by her siblings nor parents. She got nosebleeds a lot and seemed to always run a fever. After an episode of fainting, they took her to the doctor, and they told her she had leukemia. Her hopes of being a normal kid were crushed. She tried to study as best as she could while in the hospital, and she even accelerated faster than normal (well, what else was she supposed to do while stuck in a hospital room for days on end, feeling too nauseated to walk or watch TV?) finishing with what was considered the third grade curriculum by the end of that year. The doctors told her she was in remission and everything seemed good. She went back to public school and picked up her instrument again. Not three months later she was back in the hospital, the cancer having come back with a vengeance. On and on this cycle has repeated since then, until Aurie’s twelfth birthday. That was when the doctors last told her she was in remission, and she hasn’t had a relapse since. She started college last year, at the same time as Andie, having petitioned and been allowed to get her GED (Her Make-A-Wish had been simply, “I wish to have my high school diploma before I die.”) back when it seemed like the cancer was terminal. Currently, she takes classes online from Washington University (and takes band class in-person there as well.) [/hider]