[hider=Captain Marvel][center][b][color=FireBrick][h1]Captain Marvel[/h1][/color][/b] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/thekidlantern/New52-RedMarvel_zpsgcdwhzl1.png[/img] [b][color=Gold]The World’s Mightiest Mortal[/color][/b] [b][color=Red]Hero Archetype: Cannon Name: William ‘Billy' Batson Alias: Captain Marvel Age: 18 Team: Justice League Powers:[/color] [/b][hider=S.H.A.Z.A.M.] [color=Gold]Wisdom of [b]S[/b]olomon- With Solomon's wisdom, Billy can decipher various ancient languages through writing and speech, think at an accelerated rate and, if he pays enough attention, learn entirely new concepts in a fraction of the time. This power isn't used a whole lot by Billy as thinking about a situation before acting isn't exactly his forte. It's main use is to quickly think of witty remarks. Strength of [b]H[/b]ercules- Using his mighty muscles Captain Marvel has been able to go toe to toe with the likes of Superman and punching straight through steel with minimal effort. This is the main cause of Billy's cocky attitude. Stamina of [b]A[/b]tlas- When you have the physique of a god, it takes quite a bit to wear you out. Captain Marvel uses Atlas's gifts to take on the full force of a nuclear blast and still be unfazed enough to crack a witty comment. Power of [b]Z[/b]ues- By wielding the very abilities of Zues, Billy is able to transform by speaking aloud the word 'Shazam' into his heroic alter ego Captain Marvel! The powers of Zues also allow Billy to control lighting via calling it down from the sky or firing it from his own body. If he really needs it he can yell Shazam and dodge out of the way to call down a large amount of lighting to strike an enemy in close proximity. Courage of [b]A[/b]chillis- From the boons of Achillis, Captain Marvel is granted the ability to persevere where lesser people would run in terror. This is a major influence on Billy's personality and by this point most wonder wether it is Achillis courage or Billy's arrogance that gives Captain Marvel his indomitable will to fight. It also protects him somewhat from mental attacks. Speed of [b]M[/b]ercury- And finally with the swiftness of the god Mercury Captain Marvel has the potential to travel at great speeds and soar through the air with little effort. It's especially useful for making grand entrances.[/color] [/hider] [b][color=Red]Weaknesses: -Billy's greatest weakness is his own personality. Having been able to stand a chance against Superman in the past has made Billy over confident and not a good judge of situations. On top of that Billy still acts like an eighteen year old rather than an adult with a great amount of cockiness derived from the power he weilds. The Wisdom of Solomon has always been one of the power's he's had problems tapping into. -If he is unable to say the word Shazam he is not able to transform into his heroic alter ego and if he is made to say it while in his heroic guise then unless he can be quick up enough to dodge it, he will be turned back into Billy Bastion. Personality:[/color][/b] [hider="It really just boils down to two facts..."] [color=Gold][i]"...I'm good and you, not so much. Why don't you make this easy and give up now.”[/i] Billy is very confident thanks to the power bestowed upon him by the mighty wizard Shazam all those years ago. His moral compass is still on track but he has been known to showboat when he is fairly certain that something is not a threat. When faced with a tough situation Billy will go in headstrong and confidently with very little regard. All that being said he has acknowledged that if Superman can be beaten then he can too so he isn't stupidly arrogant but still arrogant none the less. Working with the justice league for the past few years has taught Billy the value of team work though he won't always just do whatever is best for the team. Since the assimilation of Superman Billy has been trying to take charge and act as a beacon to the others though this comes off to other as him just trying to fill the Man of steel's shoes. Billy will mostly just do his own thing but if someone with a lot of authority comes in and tells him to quit messing around he'll take heed and try to tone down his boisterous personality. [/color] [/hider] [b][color=Red]Appearance: [hider=The Boy Behind the Hero] [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140204213115/marvel_dc/images/1/1c/Billy_Batson_War_001.jpg[/img] [/hider] Brief Bio:[/color][/b] [hider="So one day I'm just taking the subway..."] [color=Gold][i]“...Then BOOM! This Wizard shows up and gives me superpowers!”[/i] Billy was an average child growing up in a loving home with his two parents but after his parents were killed in a car crash when he was eleven his life took an unexpected turn. After his parents’ death Billy was sent to live in a foster home but Billy couldn’t cope with the idea of being an orphan which prompted him to run away from his foster home and try to get back to his old home via the subway. It was late when he got on the train and he was only one of two people in the current car. Just him and an elderly man. Billy rode the train for a while with nothing to do but eventually the train stopped at what he thought was his stop but as he exited the train car he knew he wasn’t in the right place mainly due to the lack of anything but a large stone facility. Billy was confused and as he turned to get back on the train he found himself before the old man from the train and no actual train to be seen. The old man explained to Billy that he had looked into Billy’s heart and seen not a heart of pure good but the potential that he may one day do good, given the chance. An already emotionally damaged Billy was not coping with the whole situation very well and began to lose his mind. His parents had died not even a month ago, now he was in some void with an old man telling him that if he tried he could do something with his life. Rather then lose his cool and completely break down into tears like a healthy person Billy just accepted the situation and bottled up his feelings. The old man then began to explain his reasoning for brining Billy to this place which was to give him the power to do good in his world with the amazing powers of gods themselves. Billy didn’t have time to ask any follow up questions before a blinding light and the word ‘Shazam’ was yelled. The young boy awoke back in his bed in his foster home. He assumed the whole ordeal was a dream but after mockingly yelling Shazam he was struck by lighting and transformed into an adult version of himself wearing a spiffy costume. This scared Billy enough to fall out of his window and into the yard of the foster home. Billy took a moment to look at his new form and noticed that he was hovering above the ground. From that moment on Billy knew his life was going to be a little different from that of a typical orphan. Under the guise of Captain Marvel Billy made a name for himself saving the world from petty crime and the occasional global threat. These action eventually lead to his induction into the Justice league with most members at the time being completely unaware of the boy’s true age.[/color] [/hider] [b][color=Red]Notes: -Now that all league members know about his real age he lives full time at the Watchtower.[/color][/b] [/center][/hider]