[hider=Alexandria Kinsley] Name: Alexandria (Lexi) Jane Kinsley Appearance: [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fairy-tail-oc-rpc/images/8/80/Anime-Girl-With-White-Hair-And-Red-Eyes-Photos-540x337.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151018015043[/img] Considering the fact that Lexi barely reaches 4'2” and that she weighs a measly 60 lbs, it's relatively clear that she's not going to be able to throw her weight around effectively in any kind of combat situation. It's also quite clear from her lack of any sort of defined musculature that she's certainly not going to have any kind of natural power to anything she tries to do to hurt someone. Afflicted with albinism, Lexi's appearance can be quite... disconcerting at first, what with her bright red eyes, ghostly pale skin, and her snow white, shoulder-length hair. She usually leaves her hair down, as she just can't really be bothered to do more than just run a brush/comb through it when she gets up. Lexi’s typical attire consists of denim jeans or shorts and regular t-shirts without graphics, as she finds them to be rather irritating on her skin. Additionally, she typically just wears regular sneakers. Age: 14 Sex: Female Power: Telekinesis - Currently at the ability to move small objects (i.e. less than 50 lbs tops) in linear paths, or poke someone kind of hard. Short bio: Lexi was born on February 29th as the youngest of four to the locally-renowned Kinsley family. Despite the fact that her family was quite well-off, growing up was rather difficult for Lexi. This difficulty was essentially due to the fact that Lexi always felt like the black sheep of the family due to the fact that her siblings were triplets born a whole six years ahead of her and the fact that she was freakishly intelligent, which became apparent very early on in her childhood because she and her siblings were home-schooled, allowing her to graduate at the tender age of twelve. The feeling of isolation she felt was only compounded by the fact that Lexi has synesthesia, or confusion of the senses, which is a condition in which certain stimuli can trigger other senses, like a musical note corresponding to a specific color. Even though she knows it’s not normal, she’s rather grateful for the condition, as the sensations are virtually always pleasant and helpful in her music and art. As Lexi grew up, she became better able to accept the fact that she was different than her family. She was even able to accept it as more or less a part of herself when her powers manifested the year before when she was trying to reach something on the counter and it just moved into her hand, practicing with them occasionally since. Unfortunately, the confidence that she had developed in her identity was shaken a bit when she began taking classes at the community college, as most of the other students weren’t too thrilled to know that a middle-schooler was taking the same classes that they were and excelling with no difficulty. Because of this, they had a tendency to be rude and hurtful to the young girl every time she tried to socialize with them, the end result being a decreased willingness to take the initiative to try and get to know others.[/hider] Hopefully, this is acceptable. It's been a while since I last joined a roleplay, so forgive me if I'm a bit rusty. Let me know if anything needs changing. :D