Finally content on how the electronic work was going Anita spun on her heel to face to face the green room. As she spun Mackenzie came flying out of the Green Room missing Anita by centimetres but Mackenzie didn't seem to notice. Anita gave a sigh, pushing a wavy, honey blonde lock of hair that had come loose for her ponytail assuming Mackenzie was in her 'charging time' mode. The first gig Miami Over Moon had with Anita. As their manager was quite a small gig but Mackenzie had still taken to her usual charging time routine pouncing on an unsuspecting Anita giving her a bit of a fright. She quickly looked down at her watch- 2 minutes to show time. She then turned her head to see the band together, Samantha, predictively, snapping a selfie of the group alongside the ever-so-confident roadie, Jackson Miller. Taking a deep breath Anita approached the group. "[color=00aeef]Alright[/color]," she starts, looking down at her watch yet again, "[color=00aeef]An almost packed theatre and 90 seconds to show time, get out there and them what you got[/color]," Anita then points in the direction of the curtain-drawn stage with a smile watching them walk over to the stage. As the group started leaving Anita turned over to the roadie deciding she should say something. "[color=00aeef]Jackson[/color]" she greets him simply with a small nod of her head