[hider=Hamlin Teth] [center][b]Hamlin Teth[/b] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/6c6041bee1b05cdfaea7021a394e0a10/tumblr_mqq2pwQLhA1s4lxoao1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpfrq0QQ5f1r14lqno1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0Y8bT.gif[/img][/center] [color=805515][u]Introduction[/u][/color] [b][color=805515]Full Name:[/color][/b] Hamlin Teth [b][color=805515]Age:[/color][/b] 25 [b][color=805515]Species:[/color][/b] Human [b][color=805515]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=805515]Force Sensitive:[/color][/b] Yes [color=805515][u]Appearance[/u][/color] [center][img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/917613849c582cace8a5ad33c46f2048/tumblr_n5hynff6Yl1r2qnt9o1_500.png[/img][/center] [b][color=805515]Description:[/color][/b] Hamlin has fairly common features for someone from Vulta's higher-class areas around Lake Yinta, more specifically, the slave pens there. His skin is white with a fairly pale complexion, pockmarked and somewhat weathered from years of hard work and overexposure to the elements. His jawline is relatively defined, accentuating the thin stubble which usually covers his face, maintaining a near-perpetual five o'clock shadow. He has no visible facial scarring, but there are a few wrinkles particularly on his forehead which remain fairly clear. He has a pointed nose and somewhat large ears, and his eyes are a deep blue colour. Overall, he has somewhat handsome, if not weathered facial features. He has short, curly brown hair, which extends a little more than three inches from his head. In terms of his build, Hamlin is not the most physically able, he has some musculature, but it is certainly not a defining feature on his body, apart from his legs. His biceps and pectoral muscles are visible, but nothing particularly special. His overall build is generally more athletic, agile and dextrous than strong. There is a black slave tattoo on Hamlin's chest, which, while partially faded, is still quite visible, and pokes out from under his collar as it runs to a few inches below his chin. Hamlin's hands are calloused from a life of mechanical work and handling heavy objects, and his knuckles are partially scarred. [color=805515][u]Characteristics[/u][/color] [b][color=805515]Personality[/color][/b] Hamlin's personality is fairly well summed up using the same term that generally gets used for his profession - a Scoundrel. Hamlin is a liar, a cheat, a charmer, witty and sarcastic. He has a way with words and knows how to twist them so that anyone may fall into his trap or believe what he has to say. When he has a desire to be genuine and friendly with an individual, he can be fairly easy to get on with, but the difficulty with Hamlin is that it is hard to tell whether or not he is genuine. Overall, he is not the most trustworthy of individuals, likely to betray, backstab anyone he knows for the promise of credits. To those who perhaps do not know the true depths of Hamlin's personality, he would essentially seem to be little more than an ass. Despite himself being untrustworthy, Hamlin has difficulties of his own finding the capability to trust other individuals. A man who has spent a great deal of his life running and hiding from the law, he holds a general fear of placing trust in individuals for the thought that they may sell him out. Hamlin holds this fear in terms of relationships as well, he is generally noncommittal with a partner, and many of his past relationships have involved a few sexual encounters and a stealthy retreat into the night after he has gotten bored. He is generally incapable of settling down, and spends most of his time taking jobs from whoever is offering work, moving from planet to planet and cantina to cantina. Despite the fact that Hamlin is nearly constantly running from the law, he is not one to run and hide from a fight. Should some sort of challenge be issued to him, or the law finally catch up to him at some point, he will not shy away, and instead turns to face the problem head-on, usually resorting to violence when words will not do the trick. He is not at all against the use of violence, but will generally avoid resorting to it when he can see an alternative - especially considering he's usually outnumbered. [b][color=805515]Fears & Flaws[/color][/b] Fear - The Force/Force Users: Hamlin doesn't know a great deal of factual information regarding the Jedi of old, the Sith and the Force, but what he does know, he doesn't like. The idea of all-powerful space-sorcerers with the ability to see into your mind, wielding plasma swords that can cut clean through durasteel is one Hamlin wants nothing to do with. Fear - Mynocks: Big, ugly bats who can survive in the Vacuum of space. Likely to put a hole in your ship or something vital on it while looking for 'nutrients'. These have been the death of many an unwary pilot, and Hamlin is terrified of the pests. Flaw - Inept With Explosives: While Hamlin is a decent shot, a fairly reasonable mechanic, and even a passable slicer, he does not understand explosives at all. Whether it's a thermal detonator or especially something more devastating, Hamlin is far more likely to blow himself up than anyone else. Flaw - Physical Weakness: Hamlin never really relies on his physical capabilities to do his job. Rather, he has focused on his piloting, his shooting and his talking to get him through life. When it comes to hand-to-hand combat or any sort of test of might, Hamlin is not one to bet on. Flaw - Alcoholism: Life in the galaxy can be hard under the Empire, as a Smuggler with hutts on his heels and the Empire on his ass, Hamlin needs a little something to take the edge off, and for him, that's alcohol. Many a time has Hamlin woken up somewhere he isn't familiar with, a new set of regrets filling his mind. [b][color=805515]Talents[/color][/b] Made the Kessel Run (Piloting) - A freighter pilot, Hamlin has spent most of his life running contraband around Imperial patrols and blockades. As a result, he's become quite skilled both at maneuvering a ship to escape, and in stealth. He has been in the cockpit of his YT-1250 Freighter since he was seventeen, and has had plenty of years to practice, he has even made the Kessel run in a little under fourteen parsecs. Overall, Hamlin is an incredibly skilled, and remarkably lucky pilot. Blast the Ears Off a Gundark (Blaster Pistols) - Hamlin's had a pistol in his hand since he was thirteen, and he's had more than a few cases in which he's had to use it. An exceptionally accurate shot with his pistol, Hamlin has taken to calling his customized DL-44 'Lucky'. He's an excellent quick draw artist, and not to be trifled with in a firefight. We've had a Slight Weapons Malfunction (Persuasion) - While Hamlin is truly a magnificent shot with a blaster pistol, he is aware of his own physical shortcomings, and knows that even he cannot win every fight, especially when he's outnumbered. Instead, Hamlin tends to rely more on his charisma and his charm to get out of trouble, whether it's lying, bribing and generally reasoning with the enemy, Hamlin can usually talk his way out of trouble. [color=805515][u]History[/u][/color] [b][color=805515]Backstory[/color][/b] Yinta Lake, Vulta. Back in the days of the Old Republic it was a den for crime lords, poverty and villainy. Since the growth of the Empire however, it has seen a remarkable transition. The majority of the cities which previously were within the area have since been torn down, and now the area is a resort paradise for Imperial Intelligence, Regional Governors and retired officials, populated mostly by those of high class, and their slaves. Hamlin Teth was born as one such slave - to the former renowned and decorated ISB agent Arawan Proga. Most of his childhood was spent doing basic tasks, cleaning, gardening, simple work which was not too back-breaking. However, Proga cared little for his slaves, he barely fed them, and only a short while after he was born, Hamlin's mother was killed in a failed attempt to escape, having never known his father, Hamlin was now alone under the rule of his cruel master. Hamlin knew his chance to escape, though, beginning to devise his plans from the young age of ten. Proga had a habit for spice, and regularly had it specially delivered to his villa by smugglers of the Hutt Cartel, in return for free passage through the system. He devised his way to escape, and when he was twelve, Hamlin successfully stowed away aboard one of the visiting Cartel freighters, leaving Vulta and being brought to Nal Hutta. It was there where he was discovered, attempting to leave the freighter, he was caught by the Captain as they unloaded their cargo. He was brought before Maroga the Hutt, who was the Smuggler's boss. Deciding against leaving the child to die, Maroga took in Hamlin, and made him work for the Cartel in order to work off his debt. At first Hamlin was concerned he had fallen into another trap of slavery, but soon learned that was not the case, as he began to work more for himself, earning his own and only having to give a fairly generous retainer of his earnings to Maroga. He spent his teenage years on Nal Hutta, learning what anyone would teach him, from vibrosword combat, to shooting, to mechanics, piloting and slicing. It was also on Nal Hutta where Hamlin first heard tales of the Jedi. An older bounty hunter named Rakston Tavik served as something of a mentor to Hamlin and a father-figure, and told the young boy a great deal about many run-ins the bounty hunter had with Jedi back in the days of the Old Republic. Rakston was anything but kind to the Jedi, and his portrayal perhaps had a great deal in molding Hamlin's opinion of them as all-powerful, 'holier-than-thou' sorcerers who used their abilities to prey on the weak and defenseless, or kill them should they feel like it. When Hamlin was seventeen, Rakston was killed during a job by Imperial Stormtroopers, and left his YT-1250 Freighter to the boy as a gift. Taking the freighter, Hamlin left Nal Hutta and began to take on work elsewhere, mostly in the same line as what he had been doing for Maroga. He still paid Maroga a retainer of his earnings as he began to work alone, but as he got older he decided he did not need to pay the Hutt any longer, something which the large slug did not agree with. Maroga sent a number of bounty hunters after Hamlin, who caught up to him on the planet Jakku, while Hamlin was looking for new work. After a bit of a rough flight back to Nal Hutta, Hamlin was brought before Maroga once more, and informed that his debt was brought up once again by his 'betrayal'. To repay the Hutt, and as a cruel joke on the part of Maroga, Hamlin was given one last job, he was to sneak aboard the Star Destroyer 'Vigilance' and steal an old Jedi Artifact held dear by the ship's captain. Knowing that his choice was to take the job or be fed to a Rancor, Hamlin accepted, and began to make plans. With the Vigilance holding position over the planet Akiva, Hamlin waited in Myrra, particularly at its many different Cantina's, for some of the on-board army troopers to come down for R&R, offering a pair who eventually came to his particular Cantina drinks and chatter throughout the night, he eventually got himself invited to their apartment to relax. Knocking the two out, he planted spice on them and had them arrested, stealing their uniforms to sneak aboard the ship itself. He spent close to a month aboard the Vigilance learning how things operated before he finally had his opportunity to steal the artifact in question, a lightsaber crystal. Through an incredible amount of luck, Hamlin managed to escape with the crystal fairly unscathed, returning to Nal Hutta and giving it to Maroga, officially paying off his debt. Unfortunately, While Hamlin no longer had the Hutt Cartel after him, he had been caught on Camera during his escape from the Vigilance, and was now wanted by the Empire. For a number of years he managed to evade the Imperials, that is until Hamlin took a job on Tatooine. He shouldn't have, the deal was far shadier than he would've liked, approached by a man who seemed far too interested in his services, he was told to go to a particular meeting spot a little too far out of town to pick up the cargo. He blamed the alcohol and his need for credits at the time on the fact that he took the job, but overall it stinked, and Hamlin made a bad call. When he arrived at the meeting spot, he was ambushed by Stormtroopers, and a few ISB agents. The impounded his ship in Ancorhead, and Hamlin was trudged off to a transport to be brought to Mos Eisley, his luck had finally run out.[/hider] Finished, after losing my progress a few times. As I said before, i'm more than happy to edit this if you decide on someone else for the Force-sensitive!