[quote=@Lexicon] ((A colossal work in progress. I'll be hacking away at this over the course of this week. My goal is to have her done by Friday.)) [hider=Vigilance] [b]Inspirational Image[/b] [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/1da7/f/2014/033/b/4/armored_elf_bust_by_arsinoes-d74s7bv.jpg[/img] "People can lie. Monsters can lie. Even heroes can lie. But blood? Blood never lies." [i]-Quote attributed to the bounty killer known as Vigilance[/i] [b]Name/Nicknames:[/b] Unknown, though she usually goes by Vigilance as well as several other aliases ((Actual name is Althea Tavellan)) [b]Race:[/b] Wyrmblood Elf [b]Age:[/b] Stopped counting after her four-hundredth birthday ((500 years old)) [b]Appearance:[/b] ((Coming Soon!)) [b]Personality:[/b] ((Coming Soon!)) [b]Bio:[/b] ((Coming Soon!)) [b]Other:[/b] ((Coming Soon!)) [/hider] [/quote] Looking forwards to see what comes of this. I'm assuming Wyrmblood is something draconic?