When Jacoby had begun his work, the head butler had left to tend to other matters. When he returned he found Jacoby adding the finishing touches to the last steamdroid. "Any luck with the droids?" asked the head butler. "I'm pleased to say that these steamers will have no further problems with their grip" Jacoby replied. "We shall see" the head butler replied before producing 6 delicate wine glasses and giving 1 to each steamdroid. When each droid handled their glass without breaking it, the head butler nodded and handed Jacoby a sizable amount of money. "Earl Lightfeather thanks you for your assistance" the head butler said. "If you need anymore help, drop me a line" Jacoby said as he packed up his tools "Come, Sir Geoffrey". With that said, Jacoby left with his pet bird automaton perched on his shoulder. What Jacoby hadn't told the head butler was that he had also installed Asimov's laws of robotics into the steamdroids' logic engines along with the command to install said laws into the logic engines of the other steamdroids when their human masters weren't looking. [i]'Let's see the Lightfeathers try to abuse their underlings now'[/i] Jacoby thought to himself as he entered the ballroom. The earl had just begun his his, so Jacoby decided to stick around and listen. "Techie bastards" Jacoby muttered under his breath when Lady Lightfeather made her joke about the proles. But then the explosion happened. It all happened rather quickly, but Jacoby was quick enough to keep up. The sound of a steam droid being taken out of commission caught Jacoby's attention. He looked up at the Balustrade to see the intruder deliver the earl's sentence before executing him and escaping. "Well that happened" Jacoby said in the panic that followed. Jacoby then shrugged and made for the exit. The earl had deserved what he got, and wasn't about dither over the loss. But as he reached the exit, Jacoby noticed Lady Callaghan telling a technocrat to help or leave before taking his neckerchief and giving it to a servant. The technocrat raised his hand to hit Lady Callaghan, but Jacoby caught his wrist before his hand could make contact. "Weren't you ever taught that it's wrong to hit a lady?" Jacoby asked the technocrat. "Unhand me this instant!" the technocrat demanded. Jacoby responded by releasing the technocrat's wrist, pushing the man backwards, and placing himself between Lady Callaghan and the other technocrat. "As the lady said before" Jacoby said "Help or leave". "Now see here you..." the technocrat said before noticing the glares of the servants behind Jacoby. Knowing that he was outnumbered, the technocrat promised that Jacoby would regret his actions before leaving. "Techie bastard" Jacoby said before he turned to Lady Callaghan with a warm smile "Are you alright?".