[b]Charlyn Avalon[/b] Charlyn sat alone in a department. She was just thinking about how excited she was to meet new friends, when the train shook horribly. She let out a loud gasp, almost a little scream. The owl that was in it's cage sitting across from Charlie woke from it's sleep. It made a loud sound, telling her how unpleasant it was to wake a sleeping king. Charlie hushed the owl and listened. The lights went out, footsteps. She grabbed the cage and sunk to the floor, her back pressed right next to the door. She hoped, that whoever had entered the train, would only look through the door window and decide that this department was clear. Rascal's eyes went big, ears on edge. He knew something was up. From the light being out to the heart racing of it's owner. [i]Please be silent.[/i] Charlyn begged for it all to end well. [i]I am not scared. I am not scared. I am not. Scared.[/i]