Rocking back and forth on my heels now, I stuck my hands in my pockets and balled them up into little fists. Humming a nonsense tune to myself, I looked around the crowd of kids to see if someone, anyone, looked at least not quiet as terrified as a cornered rabbit. But by now the last person had come in and the door sealed shut with a hiss. The last kid looked less jittery then the rest. Well, that and I hadn't really put in a lot of effort looking over the others. There were just so many and they were all so chatty and high pitched. So I stopped my rocking and made my way around the outside of the shapeless mob to step up beside the last kid. He looked surprisingly calm and maybe a bit more comfortable around here then the others. Or me for that matter. "Hey. How long you've been here?" I asked him, nudging him with an elbow to get his attention.