Modeled after [@tsukune]'s [url=]From Oscar to Raspberry — Humorous Movie Synopsis Thread[/url], this one will be the Anime variety. So that no one is confused on it, I will copy paste the rules that tsukune did for the original. [quote=@tsukune]Here's how it works: 1. Choose any well-known movie - either individual titles or as a collective series 2. Write a summary - just a short one of 1 to 2 sentences will suffice 3. The catch? The synopsis has to be in such way that it makes the movie sound (utterly) worthless TL;DR: = Refrain from using profanities as much as possible. You don't need to resort to lame curses to be humorous. = Seriously, no essay rants. No one is going to bother reading that and it's not even remotely funny = To anyone who may be fans of the movies mentioned in this thread, this is purely for entertainment and no bashing is intended. Don't like what you see here? Then don't even come in here in the first place. = Recurrence of titles that have already been done is allowed, but please don't plagiarize other people's summaries.[/quote] Just replace anything to do with film/movie with anime and that's how you do it. Hopefully we get some humorous ones. :D