"A month? Wow that's long. Few hours, most of here from what I can see haven't been here much longer. Except that kid, he keeps talking with all the guards like they're buddies." I said after a dismissive shrug of my shoulders, pointing to a red mop of hair that was bouncing from guard to guard. Simple short answers. I like those, I hated dramatic people who just dragged things out for hours and hours and hours. Nope, this kid seemed okay. "They got me outta a home. Third one this month." I was proud of that, proud that no household could take me for more then a week or so at a time. "Told me this was a field trip. but what field trip has armed escorts? Just bull shit." No idea if I had used that right, but that was okay! It was a new word, still figuring out what context to use it in. I had the freckled blonde guy with the 'Cut here' tattoo to thank for that one. He said it lots of times on the ride over, saying how he wasn't okay with babysitting and it was bullshit. Hmph.