[center][h3][color=wheat]Lahe Hakorsi[/color][/h3]Airbender[/center] Admittedly, Lahe didn't expect sea sickness at all - mostly because she had no idea it existed, but still. Her meditation at the bow of the ship became something of a fortitude exercise, where she would centralize her thoughts and fight off the effects of the sea sickness. Given the time and left interrupted, her skin went from flushed back to normal as she conquered her illness and gathered her thoughts. Lahe's eyes pry open as she tilts her head to look towards the other crew members. A brief analysis was telling enough - there was a bit of a scuff which struck her as silly and two people stood by themselves, who seemed like good options for introductions: the earthbender and the waterbender. As Lahe stood and took her staff in hand, she initially went to talk to the waterbender, but after seeing the chi-blockers sparse glares towards her (which Lahe couldn't help but wonder if they were romantic or not), she decided to pace over to the earthbender instead. Curious and perhaps a little insensitive, Lahe came up beside the earthbender and peered over his shoulder to see what he was reading.