[@Suku] [center] ~Lynette Baines~ Chuckles moved aside, allowing the other girl to enter the room unhindered. He seemed quite happy, the large grin on his face wider than usual. Wisp stayed rooted firmly on his head as he found himself a comfortable spot to stand next to Lyn's bed. Lynnette was pleased, as well. She didn't seem put off by Chuckles at all! How wonderful, then! Perhaps they could become besties! That would be fun! They could do all kinds of fun things together. She wondered if this Mikazuki Izayoi liked going ghost hunting? Hmm~ [color=8882be]"Hehe!~ Yes yes, I love my adorable little friends here. Pleasure to meet you, Mika~"[/color] She giggled, doing a little twirl and ending it with a little bow facing the other girl.[color=8882be]"Lynnette Baines! That's me. Just call me Lyn, though. It's what Chuckles calls me, anyways! He's the big guy you met on the way in. The cute little girl sitting on his head is wisp. The rude lazy one over there taking a nap is Dolly."[/color] Lynnete hopped, landing on the bed on one foot before doing another little twirl before sitting down and giving Mika a grin. [color=8882be]"That's everyone but Skully. But he's kind of a big guy, and it'd be kind of cramped. I'll let ya meet him later, I'm gonna take a walk with him later tonight."[/color] She looked over at the Noivern, giving the dragon type her usual grin. She didn't particularly like dragons herself, but well - hey, if that's what Mika liked then she wasn't gonna judge! [color=8882be]"Hehe, he's an adorable little dragon."[/color] She said, [color=8882be]"Valzy is his name, right? You like dragon types, then?"[/color] [color=662d91] ~Abigail Blanchett~[/color] [color=662d91]"Second year? Nah, this is my first year here."[/color] She replied. [color=662d91]"This time last year I was traveling around Johto. If I was in your little Tournament though,"[/color] She continued, a smug smirk crossing her lips. [color=662d91]"You'd definitely remember it, because I would have won."[/color] The amount of confidence she said that with, could have been mistaken for over confidence. To her though, that was just a fact. She would have won, and there wasn't anyone who would have told her otherwise. That said, she had never participated in one because she wasn't entirely sure she could win easily...and well, she wanted to be as prepared as she could, which was why she enrolled here. [color=662d91]"I plan on graduating from this school, and then challenging the Elite Four right after I do."[/color] She continued saying, giving Leos a rather smug smirk. [color=662d91]"I plan on winning all the tournaments this little school has too, so you might as well just give up now...Leos was it?"[/color] What kind of stupid name was that, anyways? [color=662d91]"Because I'm going to win anyways, might as well give up while your ahead."[/color] [@Oz] [/center]