[center][h2][color=d86c00]Nina Jelen[/color] and [color=cd9575]Tessa Gray[/color][/h2][/center] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/QGKyRxgXU3soU/giphy.gif[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/50/a2/78/50a2783df8019f7f17ce6d4cbbf6b297.jpg[/img] Location: The Gray’s House Interacting with: Each other, [@Saltwater Thief] via Note Time: Before the Memorial [hr][hr] Nina got up super early, after being up so late the night before. She felt tired and sick, and as she looked over to the chair where she had laid out her clothing the night before, she felt her heart sink more. It was the memorial day. It seemed so stupid, but given that she was probably in trouble for cutting the day before, she had to go. Not that she was looking forward to it. No one that personally knew any of the deceased were speaking. No one that knew Jan had been asked. It was going to be some stupid impersonal thing, that was just a reminder of how terrible things were four years ago. She walked down the hallway, took her quick shower as usual and threw on her long black dress and semi-nice looking shoes. She left her new dress in the closet for later. She tugged on her jacket and felt something in the pocket. She pulled out a small wad of money and her eyes went wide. She didn’t want to count it right then. She shoved it back in the pocket and zipped it up. She got downstairs and wrote a quick note and put it on the fridge. [color=d86c00][i]”Bratr, going over to Tess’s house. I made lunch for you last night, and there should be some milk for cereal in the fridge. I’ll see you at school. Love, Sestra.”[/i][/color] She pulled out her own lunch and tucked it in her backpack and headed out. She walked the familiar pathway to Tess’s house, counting the trees idly on the way, like she usually did. She soon reached Tess’s house and knocked on the door, and waited. She didn’t have to wait long. The door opened to reveal Tessa standing there, dressed and ready for school. [color=cd9575]“I figured we could walk together. Mom’s in the kitchen if you want to say hi to her.[/color]” Tessa was dressed in formal dark clothing, but her backpack looked a bit fuller than usual. Nina looked a bit surprised as Tess opened the door. [color=d86c00]”Yeah, I’d like to say hi, if you don’t mind.”[/color] Nina stepped in and set her backpack on the floor and headed to the kitchen. She knocked on the doorframe to let Mrs. Gray know she was there. [color=d86c00]”Hey Mama Gray, been a while.”[/color] “Nina, dear what a pleasure.” Mrs. Gray stepped away from the counter and pulled Nina into a hug. Her mother-in-law sat in a chair at the dining room table, she gave Nina a nod, which was the friendliest thing the woman would do for anyone. “Look at you, I think you’ve gotten taller. There’s still some breakfast left if you’d like some eggs and bacon.” [color=d86c00]”I thank you for the offer Mama Gray, but I gotta head to school. Tess and I were going to walk together. I’m sure I’ll see you later.”[/color] Nina returned the hug and nodded to the elderly woman. “Okay dear, you should come by for dinner soon okay.” Mrs. Gray looked pointedly at Tess. Tessa gave a shrug. [color=cd9575]“We’ve got to go mom. We’ll be late.”[/color] Tess backed out of the room and gave her mom a small wave. Nina looked at Tess as they left the house. [color=d86c00]”So, I thought you wouldn’t be around, according to the text you sent yesterday. What changed that?”[/color] [color=cd9575]“I’m still not one hundred percent okay with it, but I had a chat with Everett last night. He told me you saw the eclipse, and that you’d be at his party tonight. A lot of us saw it. I don’t know how much you’ve heard, but we’re all talking about trying to keep it as out of the public as possible. For obvious reasons. Anyway, it’d also be a good excuse if mom thinks I walked to school with you then she won’t suspect me of ditching because I don’t want to be at the thing. As soon as she’s at work I’m going to send her a text telling her I don’t feel well and then lock myself in the shop until this day is over. Also I’m just kind of missing my best friend.”[/color] Tess had a slightly shocked look on her face as everything poured out at once, all in almost one breath and from how she clamped her mouth shut at the end it was clear she hadn’t meant to say the last bit. [color=d86c00]“I miss you too Tess, but you’re the one that’s been shoving me away. However, yeah, I’ve heard about it. I met up with Ash yesterday and he told me about the club meeting and how it seems a bunch of us have powers. Even Petyr does, but we said we’d keep it quiet for a bit till we figured it out. But, I guess it is good to know its not just us.”[/color] Nina turned to look at Tess and frowned a bit. Figured, that she would be used a bit. [color=d86c00]”You’re still mad at me for what happened a few months ago, huh?”[/color] She stopped walking and looked at Tess. [color=cd9575]“Yeah I am, not that I blame you. That’s one thing the shrink has been working with me on. Don’t blame people for doing what they think is right. Your side matters too, blah blah blah. You get the point. Tried disappearing on him during the session yesterday, it didn’t work sadly. Look the whole thing is I just need some time to process everything. Well honestly it’s more like I just need to not be around things that make everything come up like an ocean swell. No offense but for obvious reasons you’re like one of the biggest triggers for me. You get it right?”[/color] Tess looked up the street, the school coming into view. [color=cd9575]“I can’t do this. I can’t deal with this.”[/color] Tessa looked pale and for a fleeting second she wavered. [color=d86c00]”I’m not asking you to go to school Tess, but… yeah, I get it. But, doesn’t mean I don’t need you. I have new powers, and a possible new boyfriend, had my first real kiss, and I have almost no one to share it with. I don’t want to lose you too! That’s why I did what I did! Not after Jan… not you too…”[/color] Nina trailed off a bit and felt tears well up in her eyes. [color=cd9575]“I told you I don’t blame you. I get it, I do, but I just need to be mad for a while. We’re all a little fucked up, and dear god this isn’t helping at all.”[/color] Tess made a wide gesture that could refer to the memorial or the powers and everything that the implications of that carried with it. [color=cd9575]“Look I’ll try to be a bit less distant, but no promises.”[/color] [color=d86c00]”That’s all I ask Tess. I just need you to be there a bit more please.”[/color] Nina walked over to Tess and held her arms open for a hug. [color=cd9575]“I’m not ready Nina.”[/color] Nina put her arms down and sighed. [color=d86c00]”I understand. I just… wait since when do you talk to Everett? I thought you were avoiding the shit out of him more than me.”[/color] [color=cd9575]“I was. He and I crossed paths last night on accident.”[/color] Tessa grinned, [color=cd9575]“It’s also how I wasn’t surprised that you had a kiss.”[/color] [color=d86c00]"Můj Bože, what the hell did he tell you?”[/color] Nina sighed softly, and looked at Tess. [color=cd9575]“Truthfully, nothing, or at least nothing true. We made some jokes about it being hot though.”[/color] Tessa explained. [color=d86c00]”So he told you what power I got then. It’s fine, I know about the invisibility thing of yours from Ash. Seems you did get what you wanted in a way.”[/color] [color=cd9575]“Sort of, though not in the way I ever thought I’d get it. I don’t know what I’ll do with it other than avoid getting called on in class without getting marked absent.”[/color] [color=d86c00]”Sounds handy. Though, you probably shouldn’t use it too much if it’s anything like my power. Too much and my head wants to kill me.”[/color] Nina sighed, rubbing her temples a bit. [color=cd9575]“I’ve basically had a minor headache since Sunday. I don’t plan on using it too much.”[/color] Tessa copied Nina’s movement and rubbed her temples. [color=cd9575]“What do you think it all means? I haven’t really thought about that yet, like why it’s happening to us. What it all means, honestly it’s a bit terrifying.”[/color] [color=d86c00]”I’ll let you know when I get an idea. I hadn’t really thought much about it since other things happened yesterday. I mean, yeah, it’s kinda terrifying. A bunch of kids just seem to randomly have gained powers. What do we do with it? Are we heroes now or something like that? If so, count me out. All I want is to get out of this darn town, not save it. However, for now, all I know it means is that I gotta watch my emotions/ feelings around fire, or bad stuff happens.”[/color] Nina started tugging on her right ear a bit, at her piercings. [color=cd9575]“Yeah whoever decided to pick us for the heroes certainly wasn’t paying attention. We’re all misfits in our own way.”[/color] Tess glanced at her watch. [color=cd9575]“All right my mom should be at work, and grandma back at her own place. I’ll talk to you later. Do you work tonight? If so I’ll swing by for a coffee.”[/color] [color=d86c00]”Nope, not tonight. I’m gonna be at Everett’s party however. I know, not our usual scene at all, but… yeah. You know you’re invited if you want, but I do understand if you don’t wanna go.”[/color] Nina looked at Tess, hoping she’d say yes, but also knew she probably wouldn’t go. [color=cd9575]“Everett coerced a yes out of me last night, so I’ll show up for a bit, but don’t be surprised if I disappear.”[/color] [color=d86c00]”I won’t. However if you do disappear and I need an excuse to bail, I might use you, if that’s okay?”[/color] [color=cd9575] “Absolutely, just make sure Everett doesn’t decide that he needs to come along with that wolf of his.”[/color] She gave a small shiver, one that didn’t appear to be of fear necessarily but maybe closer to nervousness. [color=d86c00]”Dags is a sweetie once you get to know him, but I will do my best. He is gonna be Petyr’s and my ride. Y’know, since, no car.”[/color] [color=cd9575]“I’m not afraid of Dags, except he could smell me out even if I am invisible.”[/color] [color=d86c00]”Fair enough. Don’t be too much of a stranger Tess. I’ll see you later then.”[/color] Tess nodded, pulled out her phone and started walking away from the school. Nina sighed and headed up the cold stone stairs to school and headed to the gymnasium, still not looking forward to the memorial. However, the day was brightening up a little. Tess had talked to her, and that was good. It could only get better, right?