The impact of the attacking she-drake cut Genrit off mid-roar and their snarling echoed across the water. He was larger, but she was longer of neck and tail, overly lean, and quick as a snake. And she was furious. He lowered himself so bit at him. Her neck whipped forwards like a viper, needle-sharp teeth snatching a patch of white scales out of the pit of Genrit's out-stretched wings. And the move was simply a drive-by, pebbles showering him as her talons dug into the ground to change her direction and avoid what she assumed would be a torrential blast of flame. [color=39b54a]"Go back to your volcano, interloper!"[/color] she hissed viciously in Draconic, her tone savage and imperious as she spat the white scale out onto the rocky beach. [color=39b54a]"This is my lake!"[/color] She was well-versed in fighting other dragons, and kept shifting her balance lightly from forequarters to haunches, strafing just out of reach of his shorter neck, brilliant green eyes searching for an opening to attack again.