[@Oz] Marie unpacked as quickly as she could, she wanted to try and get out and find out all she could about where the wild pokemon were, and maybe take a few more pictures of the new students around the campus to send to her dad. Of course, she should probably try to make friends. It wasn't a top priority, but hey, why not? She was going to be staying here for a little while after all. Speaking of new friends, Marie was getting her camera ready to go, when her roommate walked in! Though it seemed he was a man of few words. "Howdy!" Marie smiled at him. "I'm Marie Ray, Pokemon photographer in training! Nice to meet you Nikolai. I guess you and I will be getting to know each other pretty well. I guess you should meet my team now. Well, this is Cotton," as Marie said that, Cotton flew up onto her head and perched there. "And my only other pokemon is Jeanie." She got out Jeanie's pokeball and let her come out. Jeanie floated quietly next to Rosie but waved one of its small, string arms at Nikolai as a greeting. "I'm thinking about expanding my team a bit to help me more later on in the year, but for now, this is it!" She told him, her smile growing. Marie was about to stop to let him speak and say a few words about himself, when she realized she almost forgot something "Oh! Also would you mind if I took your photo? As a photographer, photos are important to me and I feel like I should have at least one of my first ever roommate! But if you don't want me to do that, thats cool too."