When Izzy left for the bathroom, Cameron decided to unpack her suitcase. There wasn't terribly much to unpack - and everything important was in the messenger bag at her hip, anyway - but at least she would get something done in the empty time. She shrugged off her precious messenger bag onto the bed, and shoved her clothes somewhat haphazardly into the top two drawers of the dresser. When she finished, the top drawer no longer closed on account of the purple sleeves hanging out of it, and the second drawer held only her two uniforms for classes. [i]It's not like it matters how I organize things.[/i] Cameron thought, as she tossed her notebooks and pens for class onto the top of the dresser. All that remained to move into was the bottom drawer. [color=bc8dbf]"Chimes, let me know if you hear that kid coming back before I'm done." [/color]Carefully, she pulled a jewelry box the size of her fist from the bottom of her suitcase and set it in the center of the drawer. She looked over her shoulder nervously every few seconds, but still somehow managed to make progress. Beside it, she placed a framed photograph of her immediate family, face down, a small bottle of perfume, and a package wrapped in brown paper, which was a little bigger than the jewelry box. With a satisfied sigh, she pushed the bottom drawer shut. [i]If only I could lock it,[/i] she thought, somewhat hesitant to leave her prized possessions in a dorm room. [color=bc8dbf]"Watch those for me, okay, Magnus? And Chimes, you've got company."[/color] She said, as she pushed the suitcase into the closet beside her favorite reptile. [color=bc8dbf]"Don't worry. I won't take up much more of your space,"[/color] she told Chimes, patting her on the head. Having accomplished everything she really had to do, Cameron flopped onto the bed beside Magnus. Shortly, Isaiah emerged and started asking her personal questions, like where she was from. Although sharing space was nothing new - just remembering the Team Plasma dormitories made this place seem like a castle! - having to get to know her roommate was a foreign experience. Cameron rather preferred to spend time with people who didn't put stock in the past, unless it was a great story, completely disconnected from how the past felt and the circumstances and choices that led up to the story. It was just better to keep the past separate from the present. But here was Izzy, and he wanted to know where she was from. [i]Who really gives a shit?[/i] She asked herself, but after an inordinately long pause, she answered the question. [color=bc8dbf]"I'm from Johto technically, but I'm really more of a nomad. I spent some time in Sinnoh, not too long ago. Maybe we have friends in common."[/color] By Arceus, she hoped not. What other things do people who want to get to know each other ask? [color=bc8dbf]"Do you, uh, have any siblings?"[/color] [i]Way to be awkward, Cameron. Way to be awkward. [/i] Sensing her hesitance, Chimes had begun to slither out of the closet and across the floor towards her trainer. [@Spoo]