[center][color=olive][h1]Terra Chiu | The Avatar[/h1][/color][/center][hr]Terra listened to Lee as he talked, smiling a little after hearing that the Fire Lord has declared an open war on the Chi Blockers. It was very riveting to hear since she knew the Fire Lord well. Terra continued to listen then looked over towards Tai with a raised brow. 'Was he really getting sick?' She thought to herself then turned back towards Lee as he was finished. [color=olive]"Well, it surely sounds like I haven't missed much."[/color] She commented then rose up to her feet, smiling down at Lee. [color=olive]"As a matter of fact, we'll be stopping by the fire nation first."[/color] A wink of her eye was sent Lee's way as she walked over towards Tai. [color=olive]"Are you okay?"[/color] She asked even though she already knew that he wasn't. She went rummaging through her small bag then handed him something to get rid of his sickness. [color=olive]"Here you go."[/color] She smiled while patting him on the back, getting back up on her feet while looking at Ling, who spoke about them not wanting to spar against a chi blocker then continued on talking to Lee about the Fire Nation. Terra just rolled her eyes, honestly, which wasn't the normal gesture of an Avatar but it was the only thing she could do right about now. Her eyes peered over towards the Weapons Master, Water bender and Air bender who had all be relatively quiet on this journey thus far. She didn't want to bother them right at this moment but the time was coming where she was going to make her way over towards them and ask what was wrong with them. Terra walked over to one of the workers and made sure that they fed her Armadillo Lion, Michi. The worker said yes they did as she nodded her head with a thanks then walked away from him and back over to lean against the railing, looking down at the rushing waters below. She was enjoying the small breeze that blew through her and eyed her masters one by one. Soon, a watcher of the ship came up to her, calling her name repeatedly and out of breath. [color=olive]"What is it, Missi?"[/color] He breathed then spoke. [b]"A boat of Chi Blockers just..."[/b] Before he could even finished, scaling over the railing of the boat were about a dozen Chi Blockers, dressed in black attire even with a mask to cover their faces though had shades so that they could see. Terra looked at Missi and insisted that he get out of here as she removed her bag from over her shoulder and threw it to the side. Terra walked over towards Ling and whispered. [color=olive]"Is it too late for those lessons now?"[/color] She knew that this wasn't a joking matter but she couldn't resist. The Chi Blockers stood there a moment as a man in a white mask stepped through them and commanded Terra to step forth, which she did. [color=olive]"Why are you invading my ship? We were doing just fine without your presence."[/color] She said. The man behind the mask raised his hand up and snapped his fingers as his army of chi blockers took defensive stances. [b]"Save the Avatar for me. I do not care what you do to the rest."[/b] The man behind the mask said while walking away from the rising fight with his hands behind his back. Her eyes looked to her masters then back towards the Chi Blockers as she didn't want to waste anytime. She pulled three rocks out of her pocket and opened up the palm of her hand, the rocks slowly hovering over it. Soon the rocks would turn to discs as she threw one of them towards a Chi Blocker and then threw two more towards others. She looked at her masters while saying loudly. [color=olive]"You guys going to help or not."[/color] She then took a defensive stance herself, ready and waiting for more Chi Blockers to come her way. Behind them, more chi blockers were scaling over the railing, too.